Assistant Professor of Politics (Sabbatical-Advent Semester 2019)
B.A. Eastern Illinois University; M.A. University of Missouri; Ph.D. University of Missouri

Guerry 204-B/Ext. 1356

JoyAnna S. Hopper is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Politics at Sewanee, where she joined the faculty after receiving her Ph.D. in Political Science from The University of Missouri in 2016. JoyAnna’s research and teaching focuses primarily on public policy/administration and American politics, where she specializes in state-level environmental policy enforcement and the implications of bureaucratic structure. She teaches courses in American government, public policy and administration, environmental politics, and social welfare policy.

Currently, JoyAnna is working on a book manuscript, entitled State Environmental Agencies: The Enduring Power of Design, Culture, and Politics, in which she looks at the implications of environmental agency structures and cultures for state-level environmental enforcement. Some of her work related to this project is published or forthcoming in State Politics and Policy Quarterly and Environmental Policy and Governance. Related to this research, JoyAnna is also interested in the institutional factors that determine the extent to which state legislatures and governors influence environmental enforcement behavior. 

In addition to environmental policy, JoyAnna is interested in social welfare policy. She recently co-authored a chapter on Supplemental Security Income in Disability and U.S. Politics: Participation, Policy, and Controversy.