CeCe Cobb, C'24

Analyst, Commercial Banking Early Career Development Program, Wells Fargo

"When I added a business minor as a freshman, I knew it would benefit me professionally. The business classes were interesting, and I learned valuable information including an overview of economics, an understanding of human behavior, and business ethics. In Professor Zinn's classes, I analyzed three types of financial statements, used financial ratios, and executed budget planning which allowed me to confidently answer questions about my accounting background during job interviews. As I began a career in commercial banking, I use this knowledge daily. Sewanee's business minor provides students with basic financial knowledge for a variety of jobs and professional settings."

Grey York, C'16

MBA candidate, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, & Summer Associate, Harris Williams

“I believe the University provides a well-rounded experience, and the business minor added to my undergraduate education where students excel at oral and written communication. My business classes created the opportunity for me to combine hard finance skills and quantitative analysis within the context of a liberal arts education. I studied advanced finance topics such as derivatives while managing a diverse course load that simultaneously included politics and music. In my experience, the ability to gather complex information and compile it in a clear and thoughtful manner is a diminishing skill in the workplace, especially when handling the quantitative side of operating a business or working in financial services. I found the business minor at Sewanee highly relevant for a range of business roles that I have held following graduation.”