Event Information - GET YOUR TICKETS HERE.
Baccalaureate Service, Commencement Service, and Conferring of Degrees:The Baccalaureate service will take place in All Saints' Chapel on Saturday, May 13. Graduates process in and a speaker (to be announced later) addresses the graduates during this service. There are no tickets required for this service and seats are offered on a first-come, first served basis, until the chapel is filled to capacity. Nearby Guerry Auditorium will be available for overflow seating or for those who prefer to watch the service there. It will be live-streamed and show on a large theater screen.
The Commencement service will be held on Sunday, May 14 and will also take place in All Saints' Chapel followed by the Conferring of Degrees outside in the Quad. Graduates and members of the faculty will be seated in the chapel. No guests will be permitted in All Saints' chapel during the service. Guests will be seated in the Quad and will watch the service on jumbo monitors. The conferring of degrees will follow the service and graduates and faculty members will move outside for that part of the service.
Both services begin at 10 a.m., and access to seats will open beginning at 9 a.m.
For many of you, this is your first Sewanee Commencement. Others may have had another student graduate or may have attended a previous Commencement on the Mountain. Regardless, we want to make the experience as wonderful as possible.
There will be over 400 students graduating. The faculty participating in the service will add another 100 people. All Saints' Chapel only holds 650 people before adding additional chairs. With the larger graduating class, we can no longer accommodate guests inside All Saints' chapel.
The commencement service will remain the same for the graduates-take their seat in All Saints' and participate in the service. For the conferring of the degrees, the graduates will leave the chapel and receive their diploma outside in the Quad, (where guests will be seated).
Alternate Viewing Sites for Commencement Service
There will be enough space for you and your guests to attend the Commencement service in the Quad. For those who prefer NOT to sit in the quad area, there will be another option for those guests. Guerry Auditorium will be available for additional seating. This venue provides excellent visibility via closed-circuit television projected on a jumbo screen monitor. No tickets are needed for this venue.
Baccalaureate Lunch and Commencement Luncheon Tickets: - Get your tickets here.
A Baccalaureate Lunch will be offered after the Baccalaureate service and a Commencement luncheon will follow the Commencement service. We hope you will plan to attend both events. Tickets may be purchased in advance for the lunch or luncheon. Baccalaureate lunch tickets will be $15 for adults and $7.50 for children. Graduates will need to be included in the Baccalaureate lunch ticket request purchase. Commencement luncheon tickets are $10 each. Click HERE to order your tickets. The deadline for ordering tickets online is Monday, May 8 at noon. Please note additional tickets will be available at the Commencement Desk.
All tickets may be picked up at the Commencement Desk at McGriff Alumni House during the day on Thursday and Friday and during the morning on Saturday and Sunday of Commencement Week.