Oct. 30 - Nov. 2, 2025

The 50th reunion is a big milestone that deserves a special celebration! Since 2000, Sewanee has honored 50th reunion classes with a series of exciting events. Usually, the festivities begin with a reception at a classmate's home. 50th reunion alumni are treated to a driving tour of campus and a peer lecture or presentation on a timely topic. The Vice-Chancellor then hosts an evening gathering, often at Chen Hall.

On Saturday, during an all-alumni event at All Saints' Chapel, members of the class are inducted into the Exornati Society and recognized for their 50 years of upholding Sewanee's charge to graduates. Later in the day, the University hosts a formal 50th Reunion Banquet, which includes a cocktail reception, dinner, and a program designed by the class's 50th reunion committee. The weekend concludes with a farewell brunch for class members.

In advance of the fall celebration, the 50th reunion committee launches a project to significantly advance the University's mission and support current and future Sewanee community members. Class members are encouraged to consider multiple pathways for giving—including multi-year pledges, stock gifts, monthly recurring gifts, charitable gift annuities, IRA distributions, and bequests—and to make their best gifts.

In past years, 50th reunion projects have included endowed funds for scholarships, research, and internships, as well as brick-and-mortar projects. (Need to get inspired? Click HERE to read how the Class of 1967 pushed their reunion giving above $1 million!)

If you have any questions about the 50th reunion, the class projects or how to make a gift, please contact us at 50threunion@sewanee.edu

Registration and event arrangements are handled through Sewanee's Office of Alumni and Parent Programs. You can register and find the most up-to-date information on events and "Who's Coming" by clicking HERE.


To get a glimpse of what the 2025 weekend will look like, view the 2024 weekend schedule HERE.


Local accommodations fill up quickly during Homecoming & Reunion Weekend, so it's advisable to book ASAP! For more information, click HERE.

Deceased classmates

To view a list of deceased classmates from the Class of 1975, click HERE


To ensure you receive the latest updates about Homecoming & Reunion Weekend 2025 and other Sewanee events, update your contact information by clicking HERE

Also, Sewanee has lost touch with 30 members of the Class of 1975. If you know someone on this list, use this Update Form to provide us with any good contact information you have.

Greer Broemel, Co-Chair - gbroemel@gmail.com
Dale Grimes, Co-Chair - dgrimes@bassberry.com
Pat Moody Agnew - patagnew29@gmail.com
Margaret Ringland Cameron - mercameron@gmail.com
John Corder - jejcorder@gmail.com
Mary Jo Dortch - maryjodortch@att.net
Mary Morton Hance - marymhance@gmail.com
Kevin Harper - kpharper@cox.net
Cornelia Heflin - chheflin@gmail.com
Leah Guarisco McGriff - lmcgriff123@gmail.com
George Taylor - gtaylor@burr.com