Weapons Disclosure Form

Any employee who intends to have a permitted weapon in his or her vehicle while on a University parking lot must complete a Weapons Disclosure Form, provide proof that the employee has a valid handgun carry permit and owns the vehicle in which it will be stored. Employees who fail to abide by these carry permit rules will be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge.

Requirements for Weapons Check In / Out

Storing a Weapon 

Students must fill out the online forms required for weapon storage prior to arriving on campus with a weapon. Upon arriving to campus, the student must bring the weapon immediately to the Sewanee Police Department to check the weapon in for storage. A valid student identification must be presented for identification purposes.

Checking out a Weapon 

All weapons stored at the department are available for the rightful owner to check out 24/7, barring an emergency situation or disruption that interferes with police officer availability. Any student wishing to check out his/her weapon stored at the department must be present in person and provide a valid student identification card to do so. The student must call the Sewanee Police at 931.598.1111 prior to arriving to check out the weapon to make arrangements to have an officer meet them to retrieve their weapon. 

Returning a Weapon to storage

Once a checked out weapon is no longer being utilized off campus, the student must return it to the Sewanee Police Department for proper storage immediately upon the student’s return to campus. Returns may be made on a 24/7 basis and students may not store a weapon in a vehicle, residence hall, other campus facility or on campus property prior to returning the weapon to the Police Department for storage. Failure to return the weapon immediately will result in the weapon being subject to forfeiture.