Personal Use of University Assets THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Revised June 2017


To establish guidelines for the personal use of university assets. 


Facilities Management (FM) has allowed faculty, staff, and students to borrow university equipment on a case by case basis. 

 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES may borrow university tools or equipment for personal use with the advanced coordination of their immediate supervisor. The employee is responsible for returning the equipment in the same condition as it was borrowed. FM employees may not borrow equipment for personal gain. In other words, if an employee is being compensated for doing a job he/she cannot borrow university equipment to do the work.  

 FM employees are authorized to take university materials for personal use only as stipulated herein. Employees may salvage surplus and abandoned materials that are being discarded.  During dormitory sweeps, custodians or other FM employees are authorized to take items abandoned and/or discarded by dormitory residents.  If there is any doubt about the status of materials the individual will get approval from his/her supervisor before taking any residual and/or discarded materials.

 NON-FM UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES AND STUDENTS with the approval of a FM supervisor may borrow tools or equipment for personal use from FM. The individual is responsible for returning the equipment in the same condition as it was borrowed.  Damaged or lost items will be charged to the borrower.

 Supervisors who loan tools or equipment are responsible for ensuring items borrowed are returned in serviceable condition and in a timely manner.