Appalachian College Association
The Appalachian College Association has numerous grants for undergraduates at member colleges. Check the Association's website for current opportunities.
These fellowship opportunities are not administered by the University of the South but in some cases may require a nomination by the University.
The Appalachian College Association has numerous grants for undergraduates at member colleges. Check the Association's website for current opportunities.
The Congressional Hunger Center is a non-profit, bipartisan organization that “fights hunger by developing leaders.” Fellows are place for half the year with urban and rural community organizations all over the U.S. involved in fighting hunger at the local level, including grassroots organizing groups, food banks, economic development agencies, and health services organization. The Fellows then move to Washington, D.C. to complete the program with work at government agencies, advocacy groups, and public policy organizations engaged in anti-hunger and anti-poverty work at the national level.
The Rangel Program offers graduate fellowships to outstanding seniors and college graduates who want to join the Foreign Service. These fellowships help finance two-year graduate programs, provide two summer internships, mentoring from a Foreign Service Officer, and other professional development activities. The Rangel Program also accepts undergraduate students to participate in the six-week Summer Enrichment Program that prepares global-minded undergraduate students for careers in international affairs. Both programs are competitive and seek applicants with a strong academic background, a commitment to service, and an interest in making a difference in the world around them.
The National Security Education Program (NSEP) David L. Boren Scholarships support U.S. undergraduate students pursuing the study of languages, cultures, and world regions that are critical to U.S. national security but are less frequently studied by U.S. students, i.e., areas of the world other than Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Graduating seniors who are applying for graduate study in appropriate fields may apply for Boren support.
This is a distinctive opportunity offered to graduating seniors who have earned exceptional academic records and are among the first generation of their families to graduate from college, to enroll in a two-year BA program as an affiliated student at St. John's College. Applications are accepted in: Classics; Economics; English; Geography; History; History of Art; Human, Social, and Political Sciences (includes politics, international relations, sociology, anthropology, and archaeology); Modern and Medieval Languages; Music; Philosophy; and Psychological and Behavioral Sciences. The scholarship is valued at approximately $50,000.
The El Pomar Fellowship is a highly selective, two-year post-undergraduate leadership training program that develops today's young professionals into tomorrow's leaders. Fellows have the opportunity to pursue personal and professional growth through direct program and project management, community development and grant making. Fellows operate the Foundation's community stewardship programs, conduct outreach initiatives and bolster the Foundation's grant making throughout the state, investing in the people and organizations of Colorado's urban and rural communities.
The Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory Fellowship Program prepares laboratory scientists for careers in public health. The two-track program (training and research fellowships) emphasizes the practical application of technologies, methodologies and practices related to emerging infectious diseases. The program is co-sponsored by the Association of Public Health Laboratories and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Fulbright U.S. Student Opportunity
The Fulbright program provides one-year study, research and teaching opportunities for U.S. college graduates and students involved in graduate study. The Fulbright program operates in more than 140 countries. Projects may include university course work, independent library or field research, or professional training in the arts. The application process is lengthy. Complete applications are generally due in early September. Students are encouraged to contact the Fulbright advisor in the spring of their junior year.
Gates Scholarships are for students from outside the UK who show outstanding academic merit and leadership potential. They are intended to cover the costs of studying at Cambridge and are open to students taking a second undergraduate degree (affiliated students) and postgraduate students.
(CURRENTLY ON HOLD) This is to allow graduate study in Ireland. U.S. citizens between the ages of 18-30 who will have completed a Bachelor's degree before beginning their studies in Ireland may apply. There are no restrictions as to academic field of study. Of course, proposed course of study must be available at the university elected by the applicant, and the applicant's undergraduate program must provide a good basis for study in the proposed field.
This fellowship opportunity is for recent graduates in all disciplines to study in Germany, sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
The Herbert Scoville, Jr. Peace Fellowship is a competitive national program that provides college graduates the opportunity to work in Washington, D.C. with one of twenty five participating public-interest organizations focusing on international security issues. Scoville Fellows may undertake a variety of activities, including research, writing and advocacy in support of the goals of their host organization and may attend coalition meetings, policy briefings and Congressional hearings.
"Students who will have completed their bachelor's degrees by the start of the Fellowship or who have already entered graduate studies may apply. Applicants must intend to complete a program leading to an advanced degree. A minimum 3.75 GPA during the last two years of undergraduate work is expected. U.S. citizenship, or documented evidence of application to acquire it, is required, as is evidence of a moral commitment, in the event of a national emergency, to lend technical expertise in the common defense."
Humanity in Action is an educational organization working to educate, inspire, and connect a global network of students, young professionals and established leaders committed to promoting human rights, diversity and active citizenship - in their own communities and around the world.
This program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace provides work experience for students interested in careers in the area of international affairs. Approximately 12 students will be hired to work as employees at Carnegie in Washington D.C. on a full-time basis for a period of one year.
These fellowships are available for graduate study in the humanities and social sciences at the University of Kentucky for entering students who are residents of the Appalachian area or who graduated from private colleges in the Appalachian areas of Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, West Virginia or Virginia. The fellowships provide $15,000 plus a tuition scholarship and student health insurance. Candidates must have a gpa of 3.2 or higher. Candidates must be nominated by the Director of Graduate Studies of the UK program in which the student plans to enroll.
Founded in 1987, the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program has sent more than 36,800 Americans to work in schools, boards of education, and government offices throughout Japan. What makes JET unique is that it is the only teaching exchange program managed by the government of Japan. With more than 80 countries around the world currently participating in JET, this program offers a unique cultural exchange opportunity to meet people from all around the world, living and working in Japan.
The John Robert Lewis Scholars & Fellows Program is designed for undergraduate (Scholars) and graduate students (Fellows) to examine Lewis’s nonviolent philosophy from a historical perspective; define its principles and strategies; and identify their applicability to modern times and movements, current issues, and everyday life. The JRL Scholars & Fellows will become a nationwide network of emerging leaders who will be inspired to create positive societal change from the revolutionary nonviolent perspective that was employed with success in the Civil Rights Movement.
The JPSM at the University of Maryland is a federally sponsored consortium of two universities and a private research firm that provides graduate level training in survey methodology. Successful applicants have paid research assistantships in a federal statistical agency in the Washington, D.C. area. Throughout the summer, students learn about surveys, statistics, graduate studies, and how government agencies work. This unique experience combines paid research assistantship with ongoing educational seminars.
Knight-Hennessy Scholars develops a community of future global leaders to address complex challenges through collaboration and innovation. Every year, up to 100 high-achieving students from around the world will receive full funding to pursue any graduate degree at Stanford, including the JD, MA, MBA, MD, MFA, MS, and PhD programs, as well as joint- and dual-degrees.
Marshall Scholarships finance young Americans of high ability to study for a degree in the United Kingdom. At least forty Scholars are selected each year to study either at graduate or occasionally undergraduate level at an UK institution in any field of study. Each scholarship is held for two years. Applicants should be seniors with a cumulative grade point average of 3.7 or higher.
The National Physical Science Consortium is a unique partnership of industry, government and higher education. NPSC's principal objective is to aid in increasing the number of Ph.D.'s in the physical sciences and related engineering fields, emphasizing recruitment of a diverse applicant pool of women and historically underrepresented minorities (all U.S. citizens are eligible). NPSC offers two related programs: 1) a two phase six-year fellowship program; and 2.) a dissertation support program.
NSF runs a variety of program for both undergraduates and graduates. Students in or headed into graduate programs in the sciences might be particularly interested in the Graduate Research Fellowship Program. The program provides three years of support for graduate study leading to research-based master's or doctoral degrees and is intended for students who are at the early stages of their graduate study.
NCAA Ethnic Minority and Women's Enhancement Postgraduate Scholarships provide $6,000 for minority or female college graduates who will be entering their first year of post-graduate studies in a sports-related field.
Syracuse University's Newhouse School of Public Communications offers this master's level fellowship and internship program in newspaper journalism for members of under- represented groups. It provides two awards annually, each worth more than $65,000.
Exceptional American students who have not yet begun graduate study or who are currently in medical school may apply. Marshall and Rhodes Scholars are also eligible to apply for this program.
This fellowship is offered annually to three outstanding undergraduate students from across the nation, chosen from students serving in a summer professional position with U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., and the U.S. Embassies in London and Paris.
Rhodes Scholarships bring outstanding students from countries around the world for two years of study at University of Oxford. Applications are sought from talented students without restriction as to their field of academic specialization or career plans although the proposed course of study must be available at Oxford, and the applicant's undergraduate program must provide a sufficient basis for further study in the proposed field. All educational costs plus various additional expenses are paid on the Scholar's behalf by the Rhodes Trustees.
The program provides a full scholarship to our graduate Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program, as well as financial support and mentoring during their first four years of teaching in high-needs middle and high schools. This is an ideal program for students who are committed to teach math or science and would like to receive the education and mentoring to become effective, committed teachers in high-needs schools. Note that admissions are rolling and we are now beginning to look at applications.
The Samuel Huntington Public Service Award provides an annual stipend of $10,000 for a graduating college senior to pursue public service anywhere in the world. The program is designed to allow recipients to engage in a meaningful public service activity for one year before proceeding on to graduate school or a career.
The Watson Fellowship is a one year grant for independent travel and study outside the United States. It is awarded to graduating seniors nominated by their home institution.
Through the William D. Clarke, Sr. Diplomatic Security (Clarke DS) Fellowship, you will embark on a career path that will take you around the world, providing protection to U.S. personnel, facilities, and information, while supporting diplomacy.
Funded by the U.S. Department of State, the Clarke DS Fellowship is a two-year graduate fellowship program designed for individuals who want to pursue a master’s degree and a career as a Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) Special Agent in the Foreign Service. DSS Special Agents are sworn federal law enforcement officers.
Established by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI), the William E. Simon Fellowship for Noble Purpose recognizes graduating seniors who are dedicated to pursuing lives that will benefit themselves and their fellow men and women.
The Nonprofit Sector Research Fund offers the Hearst Fellowship to minority undergraduate and graduate students interested in learning about issues relating to philanthropy, volunteerism, and nonprofit organizations. The student must be able to intern for ten to fifteen weeks at the Washington, D.C., office of the Aspen Institute. A fellowship grant of between $2,500 and $5,000 will be awarded.