curriculum and academic policy committee (CAPC)

The Curriculum and Academic policy committee is charged to (1) initiate or consider proposals for modifications of curriculum requirements, (2) make recommendations to the Faculty in such matters, and (3) maintain responsibility for the academic life of the college in areas not covered by any another committee.

The CAPC meeting weekly when classes are in session, and proposals are added to the agenda in the order that they are submitted. Courses approved by the Committee will then go to the College Faculty for a final vote of approval. 


Committee Members

The CAPC consists of 6 College faculty members in a four year staggered team, 2 students elected by the Faculty for a 2 year term, an ex officio representative from the Dean of the College's office without a vote, and an ex officio representative from the University Registrar's office without a vote. 


Courses to be taught in ADVENT 2024 and beyond:

FEBRUARY 2, 2024

All proposed new courses or revisions to existing courses must be submitted by the deadline above.



All new courses must be approved by the Curriculum and Academic Policy Committee which aims to establish course offerings for each academic year as far in advance as possible. Faculty members are encouraged to propose new courses well ahead of the semester they intend to teach the course. Except in the case of courses required for new hires, submissions during the summer months or intersession should be avoided.


New majors or minors/certificates must be approved by the CAPC. Proposals should be submitted one year in advance of the academic year in which the program is to commence.

CAPC-recommended majors, minors, and certificates go before the College Faculty for deliberation and a vote of approval. 

Learning Objective Forms

This section contains forms for Learning Objectives 1-7 of the University's general education requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Need to know more about the course proposal process or the committee's role in the curriculum? Find some answers here.