Myles Elledge, C’85, Appointed to Advisory Group on Sanitation Technology Standards

Director of the Babson Center for Global Commerce Myles Elledge, C’85, has been invited to serve on the 15-member U.S. technical advisory group on International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards for sanitation technologies. As part of the advisory group, Elledge will help to develop the U.S. position on draft international standards in the field of sustainable non-sewered sanitation systems. The U.S. group, organized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), works in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and its work to drive sanitation innovation.

In June, Elledge represented the U.S. at the global working group meeting in Johannesburg. At this meeting, delegations from an estimated 35 countries discussed draft sanitation standards aimed to support economic, social, and environmental sustainability, and pioneer a new set of technologies and products that minimize resource consumption and convert waste to safe and valuable output products.

Elledge sees this work as essential at a time when innovators are revolutionizing water and sanitation technology to address a major global concern. It is estimated that 2.3 billion people do not have access to basic sanitation systems, including an estimated 1.8 billion people globally who are dependent upon a source of drinking water that is contaminated. Standards, says Elledge, are important mechanisms for environment, health, safety, consumer protection, and technology innovation. They help today’s businesses reduce costs, improve quality, and market products and services. At a global scale, product standards also help to break down barriers to trade, provide industry stability, and encourage global commerce.

As director of the Babson Center for Global Commerce, Elledge teaches leadership, strategy and international business. Read more about the Babson Center’s mission and programming.