We understand that some students choose to leave Sewanee. Sometimes they leave because of a medical condition and the departure is not so much by choice but by necessity, and they plan to return as soon as they are healthy. Others may choose to leave for their own reasons, either during or after a semester. Still, others just need a semester away for personal growth; they take a one-semester leave of absence with every intention of returning to Sewanee. These are all considered “voluntary” departures from Sewanee (as opposed to an involuntary suspension for disciplinary or academic reasons). There’s an appropriate process for each reason for leaving.

But before departing from the College of Arts & Sciences—whether during a term, or choosing not to return after the conclusion of the term, or requesting a leave of absence—please review the information on "Leaves of Absence, Withdrawals, and Reinstatement" found in the College Catalog.

Below are the steps you need to withdraw.

  1. Select your withdrawal type: Medical Withdrawal | Personal WithdrawalNot Returning | Leave of Absence
  2. Review the reinstatement process, if applicable.
  3. Complete the appropriate forms and documents.
  4. Schedule an appointment with a representative from the Dean of Students' Office.
Medical withdrawal
  • I have a medical condition and I have to leave Sewanee right away, during the current semester, in order to pursue treatment.
    • Complete the Medical Withdrawal form. After completing the form, arrange to meet with a representative from the Dean of Students' Office. You will need to meet with the Dean of Students' Office representative and provide medical documentation.
    • Important: Download this required paperwork: Documentation for Medical Withdrawal. You and your health care provider need to complete this documentation ASAP and upload it using our secure form. If you are a current patient with the Wellness Center or CAPS they may be able to provide documentation.
    • Your official departure date will be the date that the University approves your request to withdraw for medical reasons.
      NOTE: The last day to depart for medical reasons is the last day of classes (not the last day of exams) for the semester. (See the College calendar on the University Registrar website.)
    • Students must initiate a medical withdrawal from the College. No one else—not a parent nor an administrator—can act on behalf of a student seeking to leave Sewanee. Please be aware that no credit is received when a student takes a medical withdrawal.
Personal withdrawal
  • For my own non-medical reasons, I simply need to leave Sewanee right away, during the current semester.
    • Complete the Leaving the College form and select the option for Personal Withdrawal. After completing the form, please contact the Office of Advising to set up an appointment to discuss your withdrawal (931.598-.1311 or advising@sewanee.edu).
    • Your official withdrawal date will be when you meet with a representative of the Office of Student Success for final review and approval. NOTE: The last day to withdraw for personal reasons during a semester and receive grades of W is the last day to withdraw from classes without a penalty; after that date, grades are “WF.” (See the College calendar on the University Registrar website.)
    • Students must initiate personal withdrawals from the College. No one else—not a parent nor an administrator—can act on behalf of a student seeking to leave Sewanee.
Not returning
  • After this semester is over (or, prior to the start of the coming semester), I do not intend to return to Sewanee.
    • Complete the Leaving the College form and select the option for Not Returning.
    • Your official withdrawal date will be the end of the last semester (or summer term) that you were enrolled.
    • “Not returning” is an option only for students in good academic and social standing at the end of a semester. Students must initiate personal withdrawals from the College. No one else—not a parent nor an administrator—can act on behalf of a student seeking to leave Sewanee.
Leave of absence
  • After this semester is over, I would like to take a semester away from Sewanee for personal reasons, but I plan to return.
    • Complete the Leaving the College form and select the option for Leave of Absence. NOTE: Completing the form simply starts the process.
    • If you are on campus, you will need to meet with the Office of Student Success. If we are on break, then a phone conversation should suffice.
    • You are “on leave” and such will be noted as of the end of the semester. You will be changed to “not returning” if you don’t take steps to return.
    • A “leave of absence” is an option only for students in good academic and social standing at the end of a semester. Students must initiate personal withdrawals from the College. No one else—not a parent nor an administrator—can act on behalf of a student seeking to leave Sewanee.