The Dialogue Across Difference Program works collaboratively with partners across campus to promote and integrate dialogue practices, and facilitate important and respectful conversations where diverse perspectives are considered.

 Our aim is to improve the way our community talks about complex issues and provide open spaces to come together, along with structured processes and skilled facilitators to guide the conversation. 

Recent collaborations to design and facilitate meaningful dialogue across campus include:

  • Roberson Project on Slavery, Race, and Reconciliation: Developing a flexible discussion guide to accompany their feature documentary, “Making Our Way,” which was used during showings with student organizations and in classrooms
  • Order of the Gown: Designing a reflective dialogue to explore evolving meanings, and underlying values and attitudes that shape individuals’ decisions to wear, or not wear, their gowns; Training OG students in basic facilitation techniques. 
  • Finding Your Place (FYP): Providing a dialogue framework and questions to have conversations about finding belonging in new contexts and communities, and preparing FYP mentors with fundamentals of facilitation to lead those conversations. 
  • Center for Leadership: Empowering staff and faculty colleagues to engage in deep, reflective listening and dialogue that invites authenticity and understanding by co-convening Courage Circles.


Have an idea for a collaboration?

Reach out with your ideas, inquiries, and interests, and we’ll schedule a time to talk, brainstorm, and answer questions.