Apply to be a Dialogue Ambassador

About: Dialogue Ambassadors are students committed to strengthening the capacity of students, staff, and faculty to foster and sustain meaningful conversations that both cultivate mutual understanding across differences, and catalyze collaborative action.

As a Dialogue Ambassador, students will receive training in theories and practices of dialogue, as well as practical experience in process design, topic-framing, facilitation skills, and reporting from events. Students will work collaboratively in a learning community and with campus partners to execute programming and build capacity for dialogue across campus. 

Students applying for this position should have a commitment to initiating and collaborating on dialogue programming, and strong communication and organization skills. The position offers opportunities for deep learning about and engaging in dialogue across differences, applicable professional development and leadership experiences, and opportunities to be part of catalyzing important conversations that build capacity for both belonging and change across campus.

Dialogue Ambassador Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Plan, promote, and execute successful dialogue programming in collaboration with other Dialogue Ambassadors and the Director of Dialogue Across Difference programs – Dialogue Ambassadors will have opportunities to propose their own dialogues as well as work on existing collaborations.
  • Attend weekly/bi-weekly intensive trainings, check-in meetings, and learning community workshops, and hold office hours, as requested. 
  • Serve as a facilitator for Dinner & Dialogue series and other campus dialogue programming.
  • As requested, conduct stakeholder interviews to learn about community concerns.
  • Provide administrative support, including event logistics, marketing, and forum reporting.
  • Submit a final reflection on semester experience.
  • A Dialogue Ambassador works up to 5 hours per week during the semester (14 weeks).

Compensation: Dialogue Ambassador positions hire for the Advent 2024 semester and is renewable for the Easter 2025 semester.

Application Process: To apply, please send a one to two page cover letter describing your interest in becoming a Dialogue Ambassador. Include your name, year, and major. Briefly outline relevant experience and your availability for 2024-2025 academic year. Then describe why you are interested in deepening your knowledge of dialogue and serve as a leader/facilitator of Dialogue Across Difference programming, and why you would make a strong candidate for Dialogue Ambassador. As part of your application, describe topics you would be interested in designing and facilitating dialogue around.

Your cover letter should be addressed to and emailed to Dr. Lydia Reinig, Director of Dialogue Across Difference Program in the Office of Civic Engagement ( 

Applications are due Friday, September 13th by 5 pm via email. An interview process will be held beginning September 17th. 

Questions: Please email Dr. Lydia Reinig, Director of Dialogue Across Difference.