"Ecce Quam Bonum Et Quam Iucundum Habitare Fratres In Unum." or "Behold How Good and Joyful a Thing it is for Kindred to Dwell Together in Unity." This motto is the principle upon which Residential Life at Sewanee is built.

Residential Life Policies and Procedures

The Office of Residential Life works to foster EQB with over 98% of undergraduate students who live on campus. The Residential Life policies and procedures outlined here are designed to ensure a safe and successful living community. Students who are alleged to have violated any of the residential life policies outlined in this document, following the procedures presented below. 

The University reserves the right to enter student rooms and houses for purposes including, but not limited to, the following: inspection and repair by authorized personnel, disciplinary purposes upon reasonable suspicion of violations of University policy, health and safety checks, occupancy checks, facility emergencies, or other reasons deemed appropriate by the Director of Residential Life, or their designee. If such inspections are of routine or periodic nature, a reasonable effort will be made to give prior notice.

Incident Reports received by the Office of Residential Life, and/or behaviors occurring in university-owned housing, also may be referred to the Office of Community Resolution, Honor Council, Title IX, and/or any relevant office for resolution. Referred incidents will be resolved according to the policies and procedures of the department responsible for resolution. Any case that may result in removal from University housing will be automatically referred to the Office of Community Resolution. 

The Code of Conduct also applies to behaviors occurring within the University’s residential community. Any behavior or procedures not specified in this document are governed by the Code of Student Conduct. Any questions regarding policies or procedures should be directed to the Office of Community Standards.

Student Rights in the Residential Life Resolution Process

The University affirms the following student rights and privileges in the Residential Life Resolution Process:

  1. To be informed of the Residential Life policies and its corresponding procedures;
  2. To petition for redress of a grievance arising from an incident that violates Residential Life policy;
  3. To receive notice of any alleged violations of Residential Life policy and/or breaches of the Code of Conduct prior to the initiation of a Resolution Meeting or Outcome Review; 
  4. To have an opportunity to be heard by an impartial decision maker to address an allegation/s of a violation of Residential Life policy.
  5. To be presumed not responsible for a violation of Residential Life policy until the conclusion of the Residential Life Resolution Process.
  6. To have an advisor of one’s choosing present in any Resolution Meeting or Outcome Review. Advisors may not participate directly in a Resolution Meeting or Outcome Review, nor may an advisor address any party other than the student the advisor is supporting; 
  7. To examine evidence of an alleged violation to be presented prior to a Resolution Meeting or Outcome Review; 
  8. To not participate in a Resolution Meeting or Outcome Review, noting resolution proceedings may continue without their participation; 
  9. To be informed of the outcome of the resolution process; 
  10. To request an Outcome Review if a resolution cannot be reached in a Resolution Meeting. 


Initiating the Residential Life Resolution Process

  1. When a potential violation of the Residential Life policies is observed by or reported to a staff member in the Office of Residential Life (including but not limited to Residential Life leadership, Area Coordinators, and Proctors), an incident report will be submitted.
    1. An incident report is a written account of an event or situation that occurred and is submitted via the incident reporting form found here
    2. Incident reports may include supporting documentation such as pictures, videos, etc. 
  2. The incident report will be reviewed by the Office of Residential Life and/or the Office of Community Standards and will be assigned to an appropriate Resolution Officer for management. 
    1. Reports may be referred to other University offices depending on the nature of the information submitted. This may include referral to University offices in order to implement appropriate supportive measures.
    2. Referral of reports to other offices does not prevent the Office of Residential Life from also addressing the reported concerns.
  3. The assigned Resolution Officer will review the information contained in the report to determine if there is sufficient information to initiate the Residential Life Resolution Process. 
    1. If the report lacks sufficient information to initiate the resolution process, it will be dismissed. 
    2. Appropriate parties will be informed in writing within ten (10) business days of the report’s dismissal. 
    3. If necessary, a timeline for fact-finding to determine the merit of the information received will be communicated to the appropriate parties within ten (10) business days of receiving the information. 
  4. A meeting notification letter will be sent to appropriate parties and will include: a summary of the information received; the Residential Life policy alleged to have been violated; the date, time, and location of the meeting; and any interim measures.
    1. The notice will be sent to the Respondent’s University email account no less than three (3) business days prior to a scheduled meeting.
    2. Failure to read a meeting notification letter, or to attend the scheduled meeting, may result in a Resolution Officer making a decision in the Respondent’s absence. Cases resolved in a Respondent’s absence are not eligible for an Outcome Review. 
  5. Prior to any meeting, the Respondent may contact the Resolution Officer, the Office of Residential Life, or the Office of Community Resolution to arrange to examine evidence of an alleged violation to be presented during the Residential Life Resolution Process. 

Resolution Meeting Process

  1. Respondents will be provided with an opportunity to participate in a Resolution Meeting to resolve the allegations.
    1. Resolution Meetings are closed to the public. 
    2. Resolution Meetings permit the Respondent to discuss the allegations with a Resolution Officer. 
    3. Respondents may have up to one (1) advisor present at a Resolution Meeting. An advisor may not represent, speak on behalf of, delay, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with a Resolution Meeting. An advisor may not be an involved party in the allegations being resolved.
  2. The Resolution Officer will complete the following during the Resolution Meeting:
    1. Provide an opportunity for the Respondent to review their Student Rights in the Residential Life Resolution Process.
    2. Review the Resolution Meeting process and the alleged violation(s) of Residential Life policy. 
    3. Review the information contained in the incident report, including a synopsis of any evidence. 
  3. The Resolution Officer will provide the Respondent with an opportunity to respond to the information contained in the incident report, the evidence, and the alleged violation(s).
  4. The Resolution Officer will determine if there is sufficient information to meet the standard of evidence.
    1. The Residential Life Resolution Process uses a preponderance of the evidence standard to determine responsibility, which means that it is more likely than not that the Respondent violated the alleged policy(ies).
  5. The following outcomes may be decided as a result of the Resolution Meeting:
    1. The Respondent is found not responsible for a violation of the Residential Life policy(ies).
    2. The Respondent is found responsible for a violation of Residential Life policy(ies) and accepts the proposed outcome(s);
      1. Respondents cannot participate in an Outcome Review if they accept the finding of responsibility and the outcome(s) during the Resolution Meeting. 
    3. The Respondent is found responsible for a violation and does not accept that they are responsible for the violation of Residential Life policy(ies) and does not accept the proposed outcome(s);
    4. The Respondent is found responsible for a violation of Residential Life policy(ies) and accepts the responsibility but does not accept the outcome(s) 
  6. Respondents will be provided a written outcome letter regarding responsibility and sanctions, if any, through their University email address within seven (7) business days of the Resolution Meeting.
  7. Failure to complete the assigned sanctions by the assigned deadline may result in additional disciplinary action. 

Outcome Review Process

  1. In cases where a Respondent is found responsible for a violation and the outcomes issued may include housing relocation, removal from student housing, or restitution over $50.00, the Respondent may request an Outcome Review. Outcome Reviews are managed by the Director of Residential Life, or their designee. Outcome reviews may only be requested due to one or more of the following issues:
    1. Procedural error, which had a bearing on the original decision;
    2. New information that was not available at the time of the Resolution Meeting that would affect the original decision; or,
    3. Disproportionate nature of the assigned outcomes to the violation.
  2. When a Respondent requests an Outcome Review following a Resolution Meeting, the following will occur:
    1. The Resolution Officer will refer the request to the Director of Residential Life or their designee.
    2. The Director, or their designee, will send a meeting notification letter to schedule a meeting with the Respondent within seven (7) business days from the date of the Resolution Meeting. 
    3. The Director, or their designee, will review the information from the report as well as the Resolution Meeting and will make a decision regarding responsibility and any assigned outcomes. 
  3. Outcome Review decisions are final and cannot be appealed. 

Residential Life Policies

The following policies outline the expectations of Residential Life and standards within the University’s residential community:

  • Abandoned Property
  1. Upon checking out of any University owned student housing, any belongings or items left by the resident or organization are considered abandoned property. Items will be discarded. The University does not store student belongings.
  • Access and Occupancy to Residence Halls
    1. “Room Occupancy: At the end of each semester, rooms may be occupied up to 24 hours after a student’s last scheduled exam, or until the day of Commencement in the case of graduating seniors, and juniors wishing to stay. Any exceptions to this time limit must be approved in advance by the Office of Residential Life.
      1. At the end of occupancy, students are required to follow the Office of Residential Life check-out procedures. Any items left in a room after a student has vacated that room will be discarded.
      2. Only students registered for on-campus with approvalfrom the Office of Residential Life are permitted to live in university owned buildings during the Winter and intercession periods. Student ID cards will be inactivated for those students not approved to occupy university owned housng during the Winter break and intercession periods. 
    2. Access to Residence Halls and Rooms by Students: Residence halls and housies are not public buildings; they are private residences owned and maintained by the Univeristy. Visiting a residence hall is a privilege extended by members of residence halls and houses, and not a right. Hall staff and students are encouraged to call Campus Police if they encounter an unknown or unauthorized person in their residence hall or house.
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs
    1. Students under the age of twenty-one (21) are not permitted to possess, consume, store, or have alcoholic beverages.
    2. Students over the age of twenty-one (21) are permitted to have alcohol only in their assigned rooms or their Theme or Language House.
    3. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the common areas of Residence Halls, regardless of the resident’s age. This includes but is not limited to lounges, laundry rooms, outside patios, breezeways, courtyards, hallways, and other areas readily accessible to others.
    4. Alcohol beverages in glass containers or bottles are not permitted.
    5. The possession of paraphernalia items such as beer funnels, beer pong games, and drinking games with or without the expressed purpose of the rapid consumption of alcohol is not permitted.
    6. No student over the age of 21 may buy, furnish, and/or make available alcoholic beverages for anyone under the age of 21.
    7. Being intoxicated in the common areas of Residence Halls is not permitted.
    8. Events with alcohol must be registered and approved through the Office of Campus Activities for alcoholic beverages to be consumed in public areas of Theme or Language House. Residence Halls are not permitted to have events with alcohol.
    9. Students must abide by the University Drug policy in the Conduct of Conduct that covers illegal drugs, misuse of prescription, selling/distribution, public intoxication, and paraphernalia.
    10. Smoking and the use of tobacco products are prohibited in all student housing balconies, in all academic buildings, and within 50 feet of campus buildings, or in any other ways violating Tennessee state laws. Prohibited tobacco products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, hookahs, all smokeless tobacco, and e-cigarettes (“vaping”).
  • Animals
    1. Only approved animals are permitted in University-owned buildings, including the Residential Halls. Students living in housing managed by Residential Life may not own pets or have animals visit them in halls. For more information, please visit the Student Accessibility Services website
    2. Students will be charged restitution for all cleaning related to the pet's presence, including carpet cleaning, pest control, and HVAC cleaning.
    3. Intentionally misrepresenting the status of an animal to a University staff member, including Residential Life student employees (i.e., Proctors), will result in additional conduct sanctions.
    4. Livestock such as chickens or other outdoor animals are not permitted at any university owned student housing building or house. 
  • Appliances and Kitchen Guidelines
    1. Residents in Residence Halls are permitted to have one microwave per room with a max wattage of 800 watts.
    2. Residents Theme and Language Houses are provided a microwave in their kitchen and are not permitted any other microwaves.
    3. Mini-Fridges can be no larger than 4.4 cubic feet. 
      1. Residents in Residence Halls are limited to one mini fridge per bedroom for double occupancy rooms or two mini-fridges for triple rooms.
      2. Residents in Theme and Language Houses are permitted to have one personal mini-fridge no larger than 4.4 cubic feet per bedroom.

Note: It is recommended that a plastic drop cloth or other covering be placed underneath any refrigerator to prevent damage to floors and carpets.

  1. The following appliances are permitted to be used ONLY in the Residence Hall common kitchen: Rice cookers, waffle makers, griddles, and air fryers.
  2. The following appliances are not permitted to be used within a student’s assigned room in the Residence Halls: Slow cookers, crockpots, pressure cookers, Instant Pots, hot plates, toaster ovens, deep fat fryers, air fryers, George Foreman grills, electric grills/skillets, bread makers, stand-alone freezers, personal outdoor grills (gas or charcoal), coffee pots without an auto shut-off feature, and multi-cookers.
  3. The following appliances are NOT permitted in university owned houses: Deep fat fryers, hot plates, pressure cookers, toaster ovens.
  4. Policies for Residence Hall common kitchen use:
    1. Residents are responsible for cleaning up after themselves, including personal dishes, bowls, cups, pans, or utensils, as well as the surface areas and equipment they use.
    2. Students must label their individual items in the refrigerator and dispose of them on or before expiration dates.
      1. All perishable items kept in the refrigerator must be either unopened or properly stored. All perishable items not stored properly may be disposed of.
      2. The University is not liable for any food or items left in the kitchen.
    3. Residents are responsible for reviewing and following any posted policies and/or procedures in their individual kitchens.
    4. Abuse of common kitchen spaces may result in losing access to the kitchen and group charges related to cleaning or repair.
  5. Policies for Kitchens within university owned houses:
    1. Residents are responsible for cleaning up after themselves, including personal dishes, bowls, cups, pans, or utensils, as well as the surface areas and equipment they use.
    2. The University is not responsible for any items such as utensils, appliances, or food items.
  • Bicycles and Other Recreational Equipment
    1. Bicycles and Scooters:
      1. Should be:
        1. Adequately secured in bicycle rooms within the Residence Halls or bike racks closest to the Residence Halls, Theme Houses, or Language Houses, or;
        2. Stored in a personally assigned room but are not permitted to be in front of doors or windows.
      2. Must be registered with the Office of Residential Life each term they are on campus. The terms are Advent (Fall), Easter (Spring), and Summer.
      3. May not be stored or placed in stairwells, hallways, fire exits; or chained/locked to stair railings, lamp posts, or shrubbery.
      4. Are not stored by the University.
      5. Will be considered abandoned property and removed if left on campus and is not registered for the Summer term.
    2. Other Recreational Equipment:
      1. Hoverboards and other electronic riding devices are not permitted to be stored within University owned student housing.
      2. The operation of hoverboards, skateboards, scooters or other recreation equipment is banned in all University owned student housing.
      3. Boats, Kayaks, and other flotation devices are not allowed to be stored within University owned student housing or within parking lots on campus.
        1. If space is available, all boats, Kayaks, and other flotation devices can be stored in outdoor bicycle sheds or indoor bicycle rooms.
      4. Water balloon launchers, t-shirt launchers, potato launchers, and other launchers are prohibited from the University owned student housing buildings.
      5. Darts and dartboards are not permitted in any University-owned student housing building. This includes metal, plastic, magnetic, and other types not listed.
      6. Pools, hot tubs, and other water features are prohibited in any University-owned student housing.
      7. Swings, playground equipment, and trampolines are prohibited at any University owned student housing.
      8. Slacklines are permitted to be put up temporarily for use and then are required to be removed when use has concluded. 
      9. Hitting golf balls or other sport balls are not permitted at any of the residence halls
  • Commercial, Solicitation, and Sales Activity
    1. University-owned student housing is off limits to all persons except University officials, community residents, residential guests, and others with a legitimate business. 
    2. Off-campus salespeople and persons advertising business products are not admitted to the Residence Halls without written approval from the Director of Residential Life. This includes but is not limited to conducting or soliciting commercial sales and distributing commercial pamphlets, handbills, circulars, newspapers, magazines, and other written material on University property.
    3. Soliciting, canvassing, or using University student housing as a location for selling, advertising, or running a personal business enterprise is strictly prohibited. 
      1. A business enterprise is defined as a firm, sole proprietorship, partnership, association, corporation, company, or other business entity of any kind, including, but not limited to, a limited liability corporation, incorporated professional association, joint venture, estate, or trust. This includes but is not limited to hosting parties for Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Avon, Mary Kay, etc.
  • Damage, Theft, and Vandalism of University Property
    1. Residents are prohibited from vandalizing, stealing, damaging, littering, or destroying University property. 
    2. Any damages or loss of property to the community will be billed back to the individual(s) who caused the damage. 
    3. If the responsible party cannot be identified, the cost will be split among the residents that live in that community. This includes but is not limited to furnishings, bulletin boards, equipment, games, supplies, other students' belongings, marketing materials, flyers, etc.
  • Decorations and Displays
    1. Candles, Incense, and Oil Diffusers:
      1. Candles are not permitted within any University owned student housing buildings.
      2. Incense with the intent to burn are not permitted within any University owned student housing buildings.
      3. Wax warmers such as Scentsy items are not permitted in University owned student housing buildings.
      4. Candle warmers are not permitted in University owned buildings.
      5. While oil diffusers are permitted, they may not be left unattended when in use.
        1. If an oil diffuser sets off the fire alarm and requires the fire department to respond, the diffuser will be confiscated. The student responsible will be charged $200.00 for the cost of the call. 
    2. Decorations
      1. Alcohol Advertisements, marketing marterials, or any other other items are not permitted to be used as decoration. This includes signs, boxes, posters, trash cans, and other items regardless of purpose or functionality. 
      2. Decorative Lights
        1. Only LED decorative electric lights are permitted or battery-powered.
        2. Electric decorative light sets should not be anchored or allowed to touch metal items, including, but not limited to, metal windows or metal door frames.
        3. Cords may not be run through doorways, under doors, or across hallways.
      3. Decorating Materials
        1. Only sticky tack is to be used when hanging decorations.
        2. Nails, screws, or other devices that insert into the walls are strictly prohibited. 
      4. Door Decorating
        1. When decorating room doors, Residents are not permitted to cover the room number or prevent access to the locking mechanism and door knob.
        2. Residential Life staff may remove door decorations that do not comply with the University’s missions or values.
      5. Combustible Decorations
        1. Combustible decorations are prohibited, including but not limited to cotton batting, dry/cut vegetation, moss, straw, hay, vines, leaves, or twigs.
      6. Ceiling Decorations
        1. No items may hang from the ceiling or be attached to pipes or wires running across the ceiling.
        2. Stick-on stars or other adhesive decorations are not permitted.
      7. Painting
        1. Students are not permitted to paint any walls, spaces, furniture, or any area of a University owned student housing space.
      8. Paraphernalia Decorations
        1. Empty alcohol bottles, cans, containers, and packaging, along with tobacco packaging, are not to be used as decoration in any of the University-owned student housing buildings.
      9. Live Décor
        1. Live Christmas trees are not permitted in Residence Halls or houses.
      10. Pumpkins
        1. Pumpkins are not permitted in the hallways and must be kept in each room within a Residence Hall.
        2. Residents in houses/townhomes can display pumpkins on their porches, and they must be disposed of by the date announced by the Office of Residential Life.
        3. Only battery powered lights or glow sticks are permitted to be used in pumpkins.
      11. Wall and Shelf Coverings
        1. No sticky paper, wallpaper, adhesive shelf coverings, or decorative paper may not be adhered, glued, or attached to the walls or shelves.
      12. Window Treatments and Displays
        1. All curtains must be hung using tension rods. Permanent hardware may not be attached to walls, windows, or ceilings.
        2. Decorations are not permitted to be between the window and the blinds.
        3. Decorations should not be seen from outside the building or room.
        4. Flags, wind chimes, neon lights, signs, and other decorations are not to be hung, fastened to the railings, or hung in the window area unless approved by the Office of Residential Life beforehand.
  • Electric Equipment Restrictions
    1. Electrical Equipment Guidelines
      1. Residents may not alter or repair any electrical equipment or fixtures provided by the University.
      2. If more than two appliances or two appliances with a cumulative wattage of more than 1500 watts are plugged into a single wall outlet, a UL-approved power strip with a built-in circuit breaker must be used.
      3. Only one power strip is permitted per outlet.
    2. Antennas
      1. Exterior antennas or satellite dishes are not permitted.
      2. Indoor antennas that mount to the wall are not permitted.
    3. Extension cords
      1. Three-prong extension cords are permitted to be used in rooms. They must be UL Certified and be a max of six (6) feet. Two-prong extension cords are not permitted.
      2. Extension cords must not be used in succession or in conjunction with power strips.
      3. Extension cords shall not be used as a substitute for permanent wiring.
    4. Heating and Cooling Equipment
      1.  Space heaters, window units/portable air conditioners, ceiling fans, electric heaters, kerosene heaters, and similar items not issued by Facilities Management or Residential Life Staff are not permitted.
    5. Lighting
      1. Light bulbs must be 75 watts or less.
      2. Lava lamps are not permitted.
    6. Power and Manual Tools
      1. All power tools, such as but not limited to rotary and oscillating tools, saws, drills, hammers, laser engravers, soldering irons, three-dimensional (3-D) printers, sanders, and related items, are prohibited.
    7. Recording Devices
      1. Ring/Nest or other smart doorbells, personal exterior cameras, or any other recording device may not be used or installed permanently or temporary in on campus housing building and houses.
    8. Network/Internet Devices
      1. Routers, splitters, and other similar devices are prohibited within the Residence Halls and houses.
  • Elevators
    1. Residents or students who tamper with, abuse, or improperly use any Residence Hall elevator equipment or controls or who create an unsafe environment for themselves or others in or around the elevators violate Residential Life policy and will be subject to the University conduct process.
  • Entry & Exit of Residential Communities
    1. Residence Halls and some houses are equipped with a card reader system. Each swipe is meant to let one person into the building. Students should not permit others to enter the building using their IDs.
    2. If a student damages an access door, the student will be liable for the repair, replacement, and labor charge.
    3. Doors are not to be propped open at any time due to the safety and security of the building unless approved by the Office of Residential Life.
  • Fire Pits
    1. Using fire pits outside Residence Halls and theme and language houses must be registered and approved as an event before being permitted to be used.
    2. To be approved to use for an event, please follow these steps:
      1. Fill out the event registration form in Engage 10 days in advance of the event date. The form will ask for details such as the date, time, location, and individuals that will manage the event and fire pit.
      2. Once the form is submitted, Campus Activities will review the event submission and will reach out to the organization should there be any questions or issues.
      3. Within two days of the event, the organization will need to apply for a burn permit with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry
      4. Once the permit is received, it must be attached to the comment section of the event submission before the event will be approved. Submissions received after business hours will not be reviewed until the next business day.
    3. Policies for Fire Pit use:
      1. No accelerants are to be used to start the fire, nor may any be present at the fire scene.
      2. Fires can only be constructed from natural wood or untreated lumber and started with paper, cardboard, kindling, or a starter log.
      3. Fires must be at least 25 feet from the nearest structure, which includes vehicles unless approved by the University.
      4. A designated firemaster must remain sober (not drinking at all) and in charge of the fire. This person will be designated in the event registration form.
      5. No horseplay, chicken fighting, wrestling, fire-walking, or fire jumping is permitted.
      6. No burning of trash, electronics, furniture, rugs, pillows, tires, bikes, treated/glued woods, crossties, or materials other than those permitted explicitly in item b of this section.
      7. A water/garden hose must be present, connected to a sufficient water supply, and capable of reaching the fire.
      8. When the use of the firepit has concluded, the fire must be doused and put out using water.
      9. If there is a problem, the fire master should call the fire department.
      10. Fires will not be permitted during dry spells and may be canceled if other conditions warrant.
  • Fire Safety

For the protection of residents, University owned student housing buildings are equipped with smoke and fire detection and prevention devices. Students may be charged a fine of $200.00 if the fire department responds to a call due to misbehavior, in addition to any disciplinary action for violating these regulations.

  1. Sounding of false fire alarms or tampering with fire fighting/safety equipment, including but not limited to fire extinguishers, fire sprinklers, connecting pipes, exit signs, and the alarm system, is not permitted.
  2. Fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment should only be used for their intended purposes. Inappropriately discharging a fire extinguisher and/or using fire equipment is not permitted.
  3. Stairwell doors leading to hallways should be kept closed. Hallways must be kept clear at all times.
  4. Furniture and personal belongings, including but not limited to bicycles, trunks, boxes, exercise equipment, and drying racks, are not to be placed in hallways or in front of doors and windows.
  5. Ceiling hangings of any kind are not permissible as they interfere with the proper function of the fire/smoke detection and prevention devices.
  • Fireworks, Explosives, and Flammable Items
    1. Fireworks and explosives of any kind are prohibited from all University owned student housing. 
    2. The following items are prohibited in all University owned student housing (this list is illustrative and not meant to be exhaustive):
  1. Inflammable and flammable fluids, including chemical mixes;
  2. Bunsen burners;
  3. Kerosene heaters;
  4. Other items deemed unsafe by Residential Life staff;
  • Furnishings and Storage
    1. Furnishings
  1. All furniture provided by the University must remain in its designated location inside the student’s room and/or house.
  2. University provided furniture cannot be stored or used outside of the student’s assigned room.
  3. Personal beds, mattresses, and box springs cannot be brought into University owned housing buildings (residence halls and theme houses) unless approved through Student Accessibility Services. University beds are built for commercial use and the mattresses are built with materials that are fire retardant and deter pests. It is also due to the dimension of the room layout based on fire safety and proper egress law. 
  4. All common room furniture must remain in the common room spaces and not be taken to personal rooms or to other space inside or outside the building.
  5. Beds in double occupancy rooms are not to be pushed together and remain separated within the space. 
  6. Personal sofas, couches, and chairs are permitted with university owned student housing assigned rooms only if it does not prevent emergency egress, inhibit opening and closing of doors, and clear access to windows.
  1. Storage
    1. The University does not store any personal items or belongings for residents.
    2. Student’s personal items or belongings are not permitted to be stored outside of the student’s assigned room, suite, or house.
  • Guests and Visitation
    1. Visitation
  1. Residents must escort their guests at all times for the duration of the guests’ visit in University owned student housing.
  2. Residents are responsible for the conduct of their guests and must be present for the duration of the visit. The host must ensure that the guest(s) understand and abide by all Residential Life and University policies.
  3. If a resident’s guest is involved in any violation of University or Residential Life policies, the hosting resident may be held accountable for the actions of their guest.
    1. If the guest is also a University student, they will be held accountable for their own actions, according to the Code of Student Conduct. 
  1. Overnight Guests
    1. All guests may only stay overnight in a student housing room or house with the permission of all persons assigned to the room, suite, or house.
    2. Residents are not permitted to cohabitate. Overnight guests may not stay for more than two consecutive nights and a total of twelve (12) days in a semester.
    3. Guests may only stay where there is a free space for them to sleep in. No guest in University owned student housing may sleep on the floor if it prevents proper egress in the event of an emergency.
    4. Overnight guests are not allowed during periods when the University is closed.
  • Keys and ID Cards
    1. Keys
  1. Keys are issued at check-in by Residential Life Staff for an assigned space. Keys must be returned when checking out of the space.
  2. The resident will be charged a fee if a key is lost or not returned when occupancy has ended.
  3. All keys remain the property of the University and may not be duplicated
  4. Students will be charged $100.00 for a lost key.
  5. Students may not possess keys to any room other than the room assigned to them.
  1. ID Cards
    1. Students are provided electronic access to their assigned building through their ID Card.
    2. Students are not permitted to give their ID Cards to other students.
    3. Students may not possess key cards belonging to other students.
  • Lockouts and Locks
    1. Lockouts
  1. Students will be charged a lockout fee of $20.00 each time they contact Residential Life for a lockout to be performed to their bedroom, house, or building.
  2. There will be no lock-out charges applied during the first two weeks of classes each term. The two-week grace period starts on the first day of classes of each term.
  1. Locks
    1. No additional locks can be added to entry doors to the building or rooms, bedroom doors, and bathroom doors in University owned student housing buildings.
    2. Students are not permitted to replace or tamper with lock systems on doors.
  • Room Assignments, Changes, and Space Usage
    1. Room Assignments
  1. Each Student that fills out the housing application and signs the housing contract is assigned to bed space within an identified room.
  1. Infringement of Space
    1. If a double or triple occupancy room only has one student assigned, the student residing in the space is not permitted to push the beds together or use the entire room. 
    2. Any unoccupied space within the room must stay available for a student to be assigned at any time.
  2. Roommate Matching
    1. Incoming students who are new to the institution cannot select their roommates. Residential Life Staff places students together based on how each student fills out their housing application.
    2. Returning students can select desired roommates during the room selection process.
    3. If a returning student does not participate in the room selection process, or if they cannot identify a roommate, they will be placed with another student identified by Residential Life Staff.\
  3. Room Changes
    1. Students can request a room change starting two weeks after the first day of classes for a term.
    2. Students are not permitted to change rooms without prior approval from the Office of Residential Life Staff. 
    3. Students with a half open room have seven (7) days to find a roommate that matches their needs. 
      1. If the student is unable to identify a roommate, Residential Life Staff will pick and assign a student to that space.
      2. In the case of moving into a half open space, a roommate agreement will need to be completed before this move, except in case of an emergency.
    4. Students can swap rooms with other students if both students involved show the desire to swap. 
  4. Emergency Room Changes
    1. If an emergency arises where a student must move, Residential Life staff will work with the student to communicate the need to move and where they will be relocated to. 
      1. The student(s) involved will receive a timeline of their move;
      2. Student input may not be taken into consideration when determining relocation.
  • Pest Control Treatment
    1. Students must allow Residential Life Staff and Facilities Management access to the room, house, or townhome to inspect for or treat pests. The student(s) and their guests must cooperate and must not interfere with inspections or treatments. The University has the right to select any licensed pest control professional to treat the affected area.
    2. Student(s) may be responsible, if determined by Facilities Management, at their own expense, to have their own personal property, furniture, clothing, and possessions treated according to accepted treatment methods established by Facilities Management or by the University appointed licensed pest control technician.
    3. If Facilities Management can confirm the presence or infestation of pests in a student’s dwelling, the Office of Residential Life can have the right to require students to vacate the dwelling and remove all furniture, clothing temporarily, and personal belongings for pest control services to be performed, if needed.
    4. If students do not comply with the preparation of the affected area as required by the pest control professional or the treatment is unsuccessful because of a lack of cooperation, students will also be responsible for the cost of subsequent treatments to the affected areas and for any treatment to adjoining units that are infested with pests.
    5. If a student is required to pay for any pest control services, it will be clearly communicated to them through email. The charges will be applied to the student’s account.
    6. The University, its employees, and vendors shall not be responsible for any student losses, damages, or expenses, including special, consequential, or punitive, arising from a pest infestation, inspection, or treatment. Students' failure to promptly report pests, failure to comply with treatment instructions, or any other violation of any other policy will go through the conduct process. The student will remain liable for any costs and damages incurred.
  • Quiet and Courtesy Hours
    1. Students shall observe and respect the rights of others occupying University owned student housing. Students will avoid excessive noise levels and observe quiet hours studying in each community. At all times, residents need to be considerate of others' needs and respect the rights of others by being aware of the noise level in each community.
  1. Noise that can be heard beyond two doors down from a room is likely excessive and potentially disruptive to other residents in the building.
  1. Courtesy hours require all student housing occupants to keep noise levels in all residential areas to a minimum at all times.
  2. Quiet Hours require all student housing occupants to keep noise levels low enough not to disturb anyone’s sleep or rest.
    1. Residence Hall Quiet Hours:
      • Sunday – Thursday are 11 p.m. to 8 a.m.
      • Friday and Saturday, 1:00 a.m. to 8 a.m. Sunday.
    2. Exam Hours:
      • 24-hour quiet hours are in effect from the beginning, 24 hours before the first exam (Mid-Term, Senior Comp, or Final Exam) through the completion of the exam period.
    3. Theme and Language House Quiet Hours:
      • Sunday - Thursday are 11 p.m. to 8 a.m.
      • Friday from 1 a.m. to 8 a.m., Saturday from 1:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Sunday.
  • Restricted Areas
    1. The roofs, ledges, balconies, basements, attics, unassigned rooms, and mechanical/electrical equipment rooms of all University-owned buildings are strictly off-limits to students.
  • Waste Disposal
    1. All waste paper and other trash must be deposited in dumpsters or trash sheds. Littering or improper disposal of trash is not permitted.
    2. Trash sitting outside of a room, hallways, walkways, or theme or language house will be subject to disciplinary action.
    3. Certain items that are liable to cause plumbing damage must be disposed of in trash receptacles and must not, under any circumstances, be flushed down any drain. This includes but is not limited to feminine hygiene products, alcohol or “flushable” wipes, personal toilet paper, and wax from wax warmers.
  • Weapons
    1. The University prohibits weapons of any kind on University property, including all buildings and grounds, except weapons stored for students and those weapons carried by an officer of the Sewanee Police Department while on duty. Anyone failing to adhere to the Weapons Policy is subject to the Code of Conduct. Please note: Ignorance of the policy does not remove responsibility from fines and penalties.
    2. In the State of Tennessee, it is against the law to carry a weapon on school property, and constitutes a Class E Felony. For more detailed information on state weapons laws, read TCA 39-17-1309.
  • Windows and Screens
    1. Windows are intended to be able to adjust the airflow in a room. Students are prohibited from entering or exiting the building through a window.
    2. Screens must be kept on the windows at all times and are not permitted to be removed from the building.
    3. Students are liable for any damage to a window or removal, lost, or damaged window screen.
  • Other Policies
    1. The University reserves the right to prohibit any item or activity deemed harmful, unadvisable, or not in the University's or its students' best interest. Addenda to the contract may be distributed as needed. Residents must know and comply with all policies and regulations within the EQB, Code of Conduct, the Residential Life Contract, and other University documents.
    2. The Office of Residential Life can amend or add new policies at any time. Any changes or updates in policies will be emailed out to all residents.