Wellness Commons Outreach

The Wellness Commons offers a variety of outreach programs. We often partner with student organizations and other campus departments. Students are welcome to contact us by filling out the Outreach Request Form to plan an event with the Wellness Commons.

Outreach Request Form

Please fill out the Outreach Request Form to let us know you are interested in planning an outreach event with us!

Examples of Outreach

You Are Not Alone: Preventing Suicide at Sewanee

You Are Not Alone: Preventing Suicide at Sewanee is a 60-minute structured gathering facilitated by a CAPS clinician. This program is designed to engage participants in conversation about mental health, suicide, and the importance of connection. This program will empower participants to offer effective, compassionate support to others experiencing suicidal thoughts. Participants will also be made aware of mental health and crisis resources on campus and beyond.

Should you be interested in scheduling a You Are Not Alone: Preventing Suicide at Sewanee, fill out the Outreach Request Form or email Elise Tarhan at leanders@sewanee.edu.

Let's Talk

Let's Talk is a counseling outreach program designed to engage students in a way that is more relaxed than traditional counseling. It involves informal conversations with a clinician in environments that feel comfortable and safe to students. 

At Sewanee, CAPS clinicians work with interested students to create a list of discussion questions related to wellness and mental health. These conversations typically happen in theme houses, greek houses, and other student spaces. Some topics we have explored in the past include healthy relationship, men's mental health, seasonal depression, and more. Student organizations interested in partnering on a Let's Talk event can fill out the Outreach Request Form or email Molly Ellson at moellson@sewanee.edu.

Breast Cancer Awareness and Education

Approximately 1 in 8 women (13%) will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. We hope to spread awareness and education about detection and resources for students of all genders about breast cancer. 

Those interested in a breast cancer awareness and education event can fill out the Outreach Request Form or contact Mary Beth McClain at memcclai@sewanee.edu.

CPR Training

If performed correctly, CPR can double or triple the chance of survival from an out of hospital cardiac arrest. Knowing CPR is a valuable and life-saving skill.

Should you or your student group be interested in scheduling a CPR training, fill out the Outreach Request Form or contact Mary Beth McClain at memcclai@sewanee.edu.

Educate Yourself

Educate Yourself is a program that partners our providers with subject experts and various student groups to provide a non-judgmental space to discuss health care topics that are relevant to young adults. Students submit questions ahead of time, and these anonymous questions are answered by experts along with an informal, open floor discussion. Topics can include any health-related issue.

If your organization is interested in hosting an Educate Yourself event, please fill out the Outreach Request Form or contact Brooke Moody at bsmoody@sewanee.edu.