The Rev. Dr. Nancee L. Martin, Interim University Chaplain

Nancee finds delight in enlivening and supporting Sewanee students and the Sewanee community in their spiritual and religious lives. She strives to build community, and collaborates with and supports the chapel staff to build partnerships across the university and community. She is committed to building on the rich heritage of the Episcopal Church at Sewanee.  When not at All Saints’ Chapel, you can find her walking and praying in God’s amazing creation, watching birds and being open to friendship and inspiration, and sharing stories of her children and grandchildren.

The Rev. Leigh C. Preston, Interim Associate University Chaplain

Leigh helps to anchor the Episcopal campus ministry of All Saints' Chapel. She works with student leaders and others to plan and lead various worship offerings, including Holy Eucharist on Sunday mornings, Growing in Grace on Sunday evenings, and special services throughout the year. She nurtures relationships of care and support with and among students and community members. She enjoys time with her family, hiking in the woods, and traveling to new places.

Dr. Geoffrey Harris Ward, University Organist and Choirmaster

Geoffrey develops and oversees the musical life of the Chapel, including leading the University Choir. Dreaming, playing, and being immersed in music with his family feed his soul.

The Rev. Amanda Gott, Interfaith Chaplain

Amanda works to support Interfaith activities, groups, dialogues, and gatherings on campus so that people of every spiritual, ethical, or religious identity - and those who are exploring these identities - can experience a genuine sense of belonging. She also oversees the Chaplains in Residence program, a collaboration between the School of Theology and Residential Life. Amanda's soul is nurtured by hiking, enjoying music and other arts, and witnessing the creativity of her children.

Mary Margaret Murdock, Lay Chaplain

Mary Margaret shares leadership of Growing in Grace, the Chapel's Sunday night worship service, and supports other chapel programming including Catechumenate, the Wednesday night small group gathering. She also leads the Chapel's collaborations with the Office of Civic Engagement and the Office of Career Readiness. Much of Mary Margaret's work is relational, and she seeks to support students in times of celebration and challenge. She enjoys music, Alabama football, and being with friends.

Laurie Lawrence, Administrative Assistant

Laurie provides administrative support to a chaplaincy team that is spread broadly across a dynamic and diverse University.  She also manages all requests related to weddings that occur in All Saints' Chapel.

Stephanie Yoder, Assistant University Organist

Stephanie currently serves as Assistant University Organist at The University of the South, dividing her time between All Saints' Chapel and Chapel of the Apostles, and is a visiting instructor, teaching organ lessons through the Department of Music.

Janet Jarriel, Choir Recruitment Coordinator

Janet supports and promotes the activities of the University Choir to enrich the members' musical experience. This includes national outreach to churches, schools, and organizations to encourage their partnership in recruitment of students, raising awareness of the Vial Comer Choral Scholarships, planning of national and international tours, and creating live and digital promotional opportunities. Janet enjoys travel, music of all kinds, and spending time with her family.

Clergy Associates

The work of All Saints' is enhanced and extended by a group of talented clergy who, in addition to their other occupations, volunteer their time to build caring supportive relationships across campus in a variety of different spaces.

Chaplains in Residence

Chaplains accompany people in times of struggle and times of joy. Chaplains in Residence offer that opportunity for connection in residence halls across campus. Whether you're grieving, celebrating, or asking big questions of meaning and purpose, Chaplains in Residence create space for meaningful connection.