Bairnwick Women's Center
The Bairnwick Women’s Center is a student-led movement that seeks to educate and to empower the Sewanee community by promoting social justice, equality, and voice.
The Bairnwick Women’s Center is a student-led movement that seeks to educate and to empower the Sewanee community by promoting social justice, equality, and voice. We seek to celebrate and challenge notions of traditional understandings of gender and sexuality in our community, and we are dedicated to inspiring open and honest dialogue.
We serve the campus as an alternative to traditionally “male” models of leadership, thought, and participation. We work through an inclusive and dynamic feminist framework that celebrates diversity and respects difference. We refuse to accept sexist, homophobic, racist, classist, and other discriminatory behavior and practices on our campus.
We work to further a sense of community through open events such as community potlucks, Tuesday Toasts, Sewanee “date nights,” creative writing workshops, Pinnacle Luncheons featuring a variety of speakers, and book clubs.
We incite meaningful and productive conversations through advocacy campaigns, social media presence, and day-to-day interactions. We strive to provoke, facilitate, and contribute to difficult discussions on campus to create a comfortable, mindful, and safe environment for the entire community.
Our programming focuses on giving all students an opportunity to make their voices heard. Students have a chance to share personal stories, experiences, and lessons in both public and anonymous forums. By providing a safe and open-minded environment, we strive to make each person feel empowered because “everyone deserves a parade.”
No sexism. No racism. No homophobia. No classism. We believe in shared humanity and we demand mutual respect.
Within Sewanee, we offer peer support 24/7 and a safe space. We are not professionals, but we are passionate, well-informed students that are ready and willing to help in any capacity. Beyond Sewanee, we seek to partner with local nonprofit organizations that work directly with women to establish them as the vital resource they undoubtedly are.
The Bairnwick Women’s Center is a student-led movement that seeks to educate and to empower the Sewanee community by promoting social justice, equality, and voice.
The Wick hosts a series of different events throughout the year. Keep up with them on our social media channels, email, and in the link below.
The University of the South stands firmly for the principle that its employees, students, and participants of university-sponsored programs have a right to be free from discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, pregnancy and childbirth, and genetic information, and free from sexual misconduct in its educational programs and activities and with regard to employment.
The Women's Center is not just for women. Our programs, events, and resources support and serve all. You're invited to be a friend and ally of the Women's Center.
We believe that peer support is an essential component of campus life and have implemented an informal system to accommodate that role. We've set up an informal "on call" system in which the phone number and name of one house resident will be posted 24/7 on the inside wall of the "mudroom" in between the Mary Sue Cushman Room and our kitchen along with the Sexual Assault Crisis Response Team’s telephone number. Our role as peer support can only extend so far, but you can expect to talk with compassionate individuals who will empathize, communicate, and listen. Residents will seek to meet you where you are and provide you with information to seek out any additional resources. You are not alone; we are here for you. Support on your terms: Women's Center residents are confidential sources!
Sewanee provides funding for an approved summer internship or research fellowship, a semester-long study abroad opportunity at no additional tuition cost, and the ability to graduate with one major in four years. Of course, you will have to do your part. If you meet Sewanee’s academic and social expectations, these opportunities will be provided.
Our small classes mean that your voice will be heard, your contribution will be expected, and your opinion will be listened to (and disagreed with, and challenged, and seen from a different perspective, and pushed in a new direction, and considered—and you know what? Maybe we’re both right. See how it works?).
We're a community where everyone has a place and there's a place for everyone. Group study? We'll bring our notes. Rock climbing? We're geared up and ready. Jam session? Sure, we'll play with you. Whatever you want to do, at Sewanee, you'll never have to go it alone. Unless you need your space. Then, we totally get it.