How do I report an Honor Code violation?

Send an email to the Honor Council Chair at or to any other Honor Council member, or to Dean Bruce. Please understand that when you give a name to any Honor Council member, he or she is required to bring it forward to an investigation.

Is it a violation of the Honor Code to not report cheating?

Yes. As stated in Resolution 3 of the Honor Code, failure to report academic dishonesty is a violation.

Are there any requirements about when I report a violation?

Yes. A violation must be reported within 120 hours after being detected.

Will I be sent to the Honor Council if I am involved with a violation of campus drug/ alcohol policy?

No. The Honor Code only applies to lying, cheating, and stealing. A Dean of Students or a discipline committee will handle all other disciplinary violations outside of the Honor Code.

What will be my role if I report a violation? Will I remain anonymous?

Students who report and/or witness an alleged offense remain anonymous up until a formal meeting with the full Honor Council, if one is indeed deemed necessary. If the matter results in a formal meeting, for the fairness of the  process, witnesses are asked to speak in person and thus lose anonymity. The Council would want to ask questions to gain the best possible understanding of events, and students brought to the Council have the right to hear from and ask questions of witnesses.

Do faculty members serve on the Honor Council?

No. The Honor System is entirely student-run. The Associate Dean of the College is the faculty advisor for the Council and does not read investigations, attend formal meetings of the Council, or receive appeals. However, the Vice-Chancellor receives appeals and has the freedom to ask questions of any party involved. 

What rights do I have if I am appearing before the Honor Council?

Outlined in the Rules for the Honor Council, you have the right to:

  • appoint a representative for yourself (student, faculty, or staff member) who will assist you at your hearing;
  • request a maximum of 5 guests to be at your hearing without participation in the proceedings;
  • remain silent throughout the hearing/ investigative process;
  • appeal the Honor Council’s decisions to the Vice-Chancellor;
  • request a recess during a hearing.
What is the role of the Executive Committee of the Honor Council?

Led by the Honor Council Chair and also comprised of the Vice-Chair and Secretary, the Executive Committee is the central administrative body of the Honor Council. Primarily the Committee’s task is to meet with each suspected student and determine if there is sufficient evidence of an Honor Code violation to move to a full hearing before all members of the Honor Council.

What are the penalties for violating the Code?

Given the range of possible behavior, the Honor Code does not attempt to outline absolute, codified penalties for specific offenses. Still, there are some predictable outcomes. Academic offenses result in failure of the course(s) in question and may result in suspension, though the length of suspension may be considered. (Students should note that suspensions are for full academic semesters--Advent and/or Easter semesters--and will always include any tangential summer term.) Non-academic offenses may also result in suspension, but the Council may also, as appropriate, apply lesser penalties (such as honor probation, restitution, work hours, apologies, etc.).