Asian Business Dynamics 2022
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Sewanee offers students the opportunity to study the Dynamics of Asian Business, during the Spring semester 2023, and then travel to India for the Faculty-led course for May - June. Students earn 2 credits for the Spring course, and a total of 2 academic credits on this study away program.
Where: India (Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai)
When: May 16-June 4, 2023
Cost: Students pay Sewanee comprehensive tuition and fees for the Spring Semester. The Babson Center for Global Commerce is supporting the travel costs.
Trip Leader: Myles Elledge, Director of the Babson Center for Global Commerce.
Prerequisites: Economics 101 or 102. The program is open to high-performing Sewanee students during their sophomore or junior year. Students must enroll in BUS350 (2 credits, Spring) and enroll in BUS351 (2 credits, May-June travel period)
Overview: Dynamics of Asian Business examines business trends and business structures in Asian emerging markets, with a focus on India. The course initially focuses on the country context, the foundational elements of political, social and economic history by drawing on readings from key economic development texts to set the stage for business context. Rapid economic growth in India during recent decades was led by large corporate enterprises which were organized in ways different from companies based in Western countries. This course discusses the evolution of conglomerate enterprises and business networks. It introduces students to examples of corporate organization and management of these enterprises and elaborates how these structures impact the success of Asian companies. In contrast, the course will examine the policies and case examples of the India start-up scene, and how new start-up business development and entrepreneurship, social impact, is shaping an innovation economy. The faculty-led travel /study-away course will also explore business practices in India, providing students with a firsthand understanding of the Indian economy, business, protocol, and business customs.