Copperplate engravings
Denis Diderot and J. R. Alembert’s Encyclopédie
In our archives we have an early edition, from 1780-82, of Denis Diderot and J. R. Alembert’s Encyclopedie; first published in France between 1751 and 1772.
Encyclopédie; ou, Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par une société de gens de lettres / Mis en ordre & publié par M. Diderot; & quant à la partie mathématique, par M. D’Alembert | Sociétés typographiques | 1780 - 1782 | Ed. exactement conforme à celle de Pellet.
Available at Special Collections - William Boone Massey - Archives, 2nd Floor (AE25 .E53 1780 VOL. 1) plus 5+ more
The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d’Alembert Collaborative Translation Project
“Technology and Enlightenment in Diderot’s Encyclopedia” MIT Libraries Exhibits
Related Works:
An exciting new book by Paola Bertucci called Artisanal Enlightenment: Science and the Mechanical Arts in Old Regime France. Yale: Yale University Press, 2017.
The British Royal Society’s journal, Notes and Records, published a special (related) issue on “Expectations and Useful Knowledge”
Expectations and Utility in Eighteenth Century Knowledge Economies was developed with Dr. Whitmer for their site about the special issue.