Place: Model sustainable operations


One of the world’s greatest challenges is climate change, and students and many citizens are particularly concerned about climate change and how to mitigate it. The University of the South with its natural forest and excellent environmental studies program is particularly well-situated to model and train students in environmental sustainability. Elevating the academic programming related to sustainability, especially by connecting classroom and project-based learning with practical experience offered by aligning University operations with sustainability goals, will:

  • help attract students to the University,
  • contribute to the formation of students as engaged citizens,
  • offer students practical experience in the field of sustainability, and
  • elevate the University’s image as an institution that addresses global problems.

The University will align its operations with environmental sustainability goals in pursuit of zero carbon emissions. Pursuit of carbon neutrality will offer hands-on experiences to learn about and contribute to sustainable operations and provide opportunities to engage in conversations about citizenship and the ethics of sustainable living.

Supporting Tactics:
  • Adopt and implement an updated and revised version of the Climate Accountability Plan with a goal to achieve carbon neutrality as an institution by 2030.
  • Give deep consideration to the marketing of carbon offsets to generate resources for investing in improved campus infrastructure that reduces our energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Encourage academic engagement with carbon sequestration and accounting efforts so that students deepen their understanding of various aspects of carbon reduction efforts.
  • Offer student research and internship opportunities to understand sustainability practices.
  • Foster dialogue about environmental ethics and citizenship at the University.