The University puts forward several strategies to meet five goals in pursuit of the vision of the University. The goals and strategies are closely interconnected, and no one goal or strategy should be viewed as prioritized over others.

Place: Make the University and Its Domain a Model of Inclusive Community and Environmental Stewardship

Activate research and academic use of the Outer Domain

Humanity requires solutions to global environmental challenges. Tomorrow’s leaders need to be prepared to step up at this critical moment to innovate solutions and rectify environmental injustice, which disproportionately affects some racial and lower-income groups. The University of the South has multiple environmental assets, including our large faculty with environmental expertise, the Domain, six majors, and a farm. As part of its work to cultivate engaged global citizens, the institution fosters diverse partnerships across our community and beyond to support students in their development as environmental leaders and professionals. Academic engagement on the outer Domain and surrounding communities will provide entry points to understand environmental challenges; foster student relations with faculty, staff, and community partners; explore historical and contemporary environmental injustice; and cultivate a sense of responsibility for stewarding the environment.

Promote Vibrant, Sustainable, & Inclusive Village Development

Making Sewanee a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable community with more affordable housing options, safe transportation networks, and improved amenities will help attract prospective students and employees, even those who choose not to live in Sewanee. Such an approach to Village development will facilitate connections between the study of sustainability and our lived community. Purposeful development of the Village will foster the relationships that students have with faculty, staff, and community mentors, which are a hallmark of student education at the University of the South.

Model Sustainable Operations

One of the world’s greatest challenges is climate change. Students and global citizens are particularly concerned about climate change and how to mitigate it. The University of the South with its natural forest and excellent environmental studies program is particularly well-situated to model and train students in environmental sustainability.

Implement a Domain Across the Curriculum Initiative

One of the touchstone experiences for University of the South students is their interaction with the natural environment, history, and communities of Sewanee and neighboring counties. The University is fortunate to be able to deepen student engagement with coursework, research, and extracurricular activities that connect students to this place, affectionately known as the Domain, along with its people. Students who engage with community and place feel a high degree of belonging, which helps raise retention and graduation rates and fosters great loyalty among our alumni. The Domain enriches the educational experience by offering students extraordinary opportunities to enjoy the natural beauty of the plateau, learn experientially about stewardship of resources and the natural world, and help build inclusive and just communities, all of which contribute to the holistic formation of students as global citizens and environmental leaders.

Three strategic pillars: Mind | Heart | Place