
Renew & Enhance the Curriculum

Develop & Implement a First-Year Experience for All Students

First-year programming has long been recognized by the American Association of Colleges and Universities as one of the most consequential high-impact practices that colleges can adopt in their efforts to attract and retain students. The College will expand its existing first-year program to include all new students and incorporate new curricular and co-curricular elements related to civil discourse, belonging, and well-being.

Promote High-Impact Practices Across the Curriculum

Drawing on its close academic community and deep ties to the surrounding community and around the world, the University will expand opportunities for collaborative research, community-engaged learning, study away, internships, and other high-impact practices. These high-impact practices help students apply knowledge learned in classrooms to pragmatic situations, and deepen problem-solving skills so that they are prepared to take on the responsibility of tackling the world’s challenges.

Create a Center for Project-Based Learning & Action

To fulfill its vision of preparing students to become informed, self-aware, and participatory citizens for our democracy and servant-leaders for the world, the University will create a Center for Project-Based Learning and Action that will help connect classroom experiences with experiential learning.

Expand Data Analytics and Digital Humanities Across the Curriculum

The University will develop a new major focusing on data analytics, expand offerings in data analysis and digital humanities, and create a location for students to receive support for projects related to data analysis. Ability to use data analysis and digital forms of communication are critical for addressing global problems and becoming active citizens in a democracy.

Expand Business Offerings

The College will expand its business offerings to support its most popular minor. The University will also seek to broaden its internships in the business sector, focus on inclusivity in its business programming, and develop its Carey Fellows Program to prepare our graduates to launch their careers.

Three strategic pillars: Mind | Heart | Place