
Enhance Student Formation & Leadership Development

Foster a Relationship-Rich Student Experience

At the University of the South, students enjoy opportunities to forge bonds with fellow students, faculty, staff, and alumni. The University will increase resources to deepen relationships among students and with faculty, staff, alumni, and community partners in order to mentor students in their paths of formation and discernment.

Strengthen Student Formation & Leadership Development

The University will develop programs and opportunities for students to develop key skills related to engaged democratic citizenship so that they are prepared to become leaders and serve others.

Reinforce the Value of our Episcopal heritage & Identity

The University of the South is distinctive among higher education institutions as one created and governed by the Episcopal Church, which presents opportunities to contribute to students’ ethical formation and action. The University will use this unique relationship to develop programs that contribute to the vitality of the Episcopal Church and explore areas of collaboration between the School of Theology and the College of Arts and Sciences.

Three strategic pillars: Mind | Heart | Place