On Tuesday, February 25, Professor Belinda A. Stillion Southard will deliver a lecture entitled "100 Years with Woman Suffrage: Prison, Protests, and Promise." The lecture will begin at 4:30 p.m. in the Torian Room, and light refreshments and a book signing will follow. We hope to see you there, and hope that you will encourage your students to attend!
Belinda A. Stillion Southard is associate professor of rhetoric and director of graduate studies at the University of Georgia. Her teaching and scholarship are grounded in the public address tradition and are guided by questions regarding gender, transnationalism, and citizenship. She is the author of two books: How to Belong: Women's Agency in a Transnational World (The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2018) and Militant Citizenship: Rhetorical Strategies of the National Woman's Party, 1913-1920 (Texas A&M University Press, 2011), which won the Marie Hochmuth Nichols Book Award in Public Address from the National Communication Association in 2012.