Substantial hands-on patient care experience is required by many schools. This healthcare work can either be paid or performed on a volunteer basis. The top five PA schools, based on the U.S. News & World Report’s 2015 rankings, all require 1000-2000 hours of hands-on patient care. Begin working on your healthcare experience early, and make sure that your hours will count toward the programs in which you are interested. Some programs count shadowing towards the required hours, but others do not. Many applicants to PA schools are registered nurses, paramedics, and EMTs. Sewanee offers a variety of internships that allow students to obtain experience in healthcare fields. Healthcare experience is crucial in deciding whether a career as a PA is for you.

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is required by most schools, although some programs will accept the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) in its place. The PA-CAT is a new exam that may be required by your schools. Administration begins in May 2020. As this is the first year of the PA-CAT, Exam Master anticipates that few schools will require it this year but that its adoption will grow. A TOEFL score may also be required if English is not your primary language. Check your schools to find their GRE and TOEFL codes.

Letters of recommendation may be required from healthcare providers, professors, or other individuals. Many schools require three letters of reference. Check your schools’ letter requirements and be sure to request letters well in advance of your deadlines.

Official transcripts should be submitted from every university and college you have attended. Recent and current Sewanee students can request their official transcripts through Banner. For directions, including how to request transcripts without a Banner ID, visit this website from the Registrar’s Office.

Many schools will require a CASPA application, as well a supplemental application. CASPA is the Central Application Service for Physician Assistants. Deadlines vary by program, even within CASPA. For CASPA deadlines, check the color-coded deadline and make sure your documents are submitted at least four weeks in advance of green deadlines and several weeks in advance of orange deadlines. Check each school for their deadlines, even if they participate in CASPA. Frequently the deadlines for supplemental applications differ from CASPA deadlines.