Professor Martini
See Dr. Martini's teaching plans for Fall 2020.
The Italian program looks forward to having you back on campus, whether in person or through our virtual classrooms. While courses this fall will be delivered in a variety of formats, I can assure you that we have been working hard to achieve the same goals and close collaboration that characterize the Sewanee experience. In fact, the challenge of rethinking our teaching due to the pandemic has pushed us to be more resourceful and creative, and your coursework this fall will be as challenging and rewarding as in past semesters.
We know that you would like more information about how courses, assignments, and collaboration with your professors will take place, so below is a detailed description from each professor regarding their plans. Please feel free to email your professors if you have additional questions.
See Dr. Martini's teaching plans for Fall 2020.
See Dr. Chinchilla's teaching plans for Fall 2020.