Grace Barlet

Grace Barlet, a senior pre-nursing student, is a leader in the pre-health community, encouraging pre-health peers as she serves as a Pre-Health Peer Advisor and in leadership of the Sewanee Health Professions Society. "Holding these positions and making these connections has allowed me to have a great support system and find the resources I need to figure out exactly what i want to do in my future career," Barlet says. Recently, she used her leadership platforms to organize a trip to visit the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, leading students to explore opportunities for career and educational development after Sewanee. 

Reminiscing on the past four years, Barlet encourages students to "get involved early, and take advantage of all advising and learning experiences" as utilizing the opportunities and recourses in Sewanee's pre-health community leads to gaining "great friends" and learning "about yourself as well as what you want to do after you leave the Mountain!"