Medical Abroad Fellowship

Every year, Sewanee pre-health students travel abroad to learn from doctors and patients alike. From class discussions at Sewanee to shadowing doctors internationally, students gain a greater awareness and understanding of the impacts of different healthcare systems and cultures around the world.

Through this three week fellowship students gain credit for a full 4-credit course as well as 40+ clinical shadowing hours. This opportunity is ideal for pre-medical and pre-health students looking to build their cultural competencies and learn more about healthcare systems globally.

Sewanee plans to offer this experience every year, alternating between a medical Spanish immersion program and programs with no language requirement.



Student Stories

Claire Strysick

"I shadowed pediatrics and gynecology... I probably got better at Spanish in those two weeks than I did in the previous two years of studying! It was such a good way to immerse myself in a different culture. And as someone who wants to go into the healthcare profession, I think it was an invaluable experience to get to know a different system than the one in the U.S. and see another way that patient care can look." - Claire Strysick, C'23