The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) shows required coursework for individual schools. These include basic sciences and humanities courses. Below are Sewanee courses that are equivalent courses to those listed by AAVMC. Please be aware that some schools will accept variant courses offered at Sewanee under a different name, while others will not. Thus, be sure you are taking the required courses for the schools you are interested in attending by contacting their admissions office and reviewing each school's admissions requirements.

Required Courses for Applying to Veterinary School

BIOL 233: Intermediate Cell and Molecular Biology (prerequisite BIOL 133)
BIOL 218: Principles of Animal Nutrition and Metabolism (Required by some schools, including Auburn University, the University of Florida and Texas A&M.)
BIOL 223/224:Genetics (Offered with and without lab. Check schools' requirements.)
BIOL 312/314: General and Human Physiology (Offered with and without lab. Check schools' requirements.)
BIOL 340: Microbiology
Additional 1-2 Biology/Zoology Courses: Requirements vary! Check your schools. Labs may be required. Suggested courses: BIOL 203: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, BIOL 218: Principles of Animal Nutrition and Metabolism, BIOL 275: Histology and Microanatomy, BIOL 319: Cancer Cell Biology, BIOL 330: Immunology, and BIOL 333: Developmental Biology.

Either Physics 101 followed by Physics 102, or Physics 103 followed by Physics 104, will provide a full year of physics with laboratory.
PHYS 101/102: General Physics I & II
PHYS 103/104: Modern Mechanics & Electric and Magnetic Interactions

BIOL 236 (non-lab; check requirements) or BIOL/CHEM 307 or BIOL/CHEM 316 

Organic Chemistry
Only some schools require both CHEM 201 and CHEM 202. 
CHEM 201: Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 202: Organic Chemistry II

Inorganic Chemistry
Only some schools require additional chemistry beyond CHEM 120. 
CHEM 120: General Chemistry
CHEM 210: Solution and Solid State Chemistry or CHEM 352: Thermodynamics and Kinetics

Some schools require statistics, while others require calculus. Some require both.
MATH 101/102: Calculus
STAT 204: Elementary Statistics

English Composition
ENGL 101: Literature and Composition
ENGL XXX (with GFWI) or HUMN XXX (with GFWI)

Humanities/Social Sciences
Generally satisfied with courses at Sewanee with G2, G3, and/or G4 attributes.

Speech/Public Speaking
RHET 101: Public Speaking (required by some schools)

Animal Science
Two US schools require this course. Animal science is not offered at Sewanee.
Course titles vary. Best to contact school.