Physical therapy is a rewarding and demanding field. In the United States, practicing physical therapists must earn their degrees from a CAPTE-accredited school. The Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program is 3 years in length and is the program available to new students. Master of Physical Science in Therapy and Master of Physical Therapy degrees are no longer available to new students in the United States. The American Physical Therapy Association maintains a list of CAPTE-accredited programs.

Course Requirements

Course requirements vary widely by program. Research your schools’ course requirements when planning your Sewanee schedule. Some schools require three courses in psychology, while others require one or even none. Nearly all DPT programs require coursework in anatomy & physiology, biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, and statistics. Mathematics, exercise physiology, medical terminology, English, communication, humanities, and other courses may also be required.

Additional Admission Requirements

DPT admission requirements vary, so check the requirements of the programs in which you are interested.


The Office of Medical and Health Programs (OMHP), partnering with the Sewanee Health Professions Society (SHPS), provides both leadership development opportunities for students interested in tutoring and one-on-one peer tutoring for students seeking tutoring. All peer tutors have not only succeeded in the courses in which they tutor, but they have also been shown to be good teachers and mentors.