Associate Professor of Psychology

B.A., North Carolina State University;
M.A., Ph.D., the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Al Bardi has taught at Sewanee since 2008. A clinical psychologist, he earned B.A. degrees in Psychology and Philosophy at North Carolina State University. After completing a Harvard fellowship and earning a Ph.D. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Professor Bardi worked as a tribal clinician for the San Carlos Apache of Arizona and the Passamaquoddy of Northern Maine.

As an academic, Professor Bardi has followed his own and his students’ interests in the development and validation of personality measures that relate to function including shyness, optimism, entitlement, comfort-seeking and assertiveness. Professor Bardi has worked with students to construct measures tailored for under-represented U.S. cultural groups. He and his students have focused especially on the construct of assertiveness. Their work has provided the basis for the inclusive understanding and measurement of assertiveness and related concepts such as passivity and aggressiveness. More recently, Professor Bardi completed a fifteen-campus study of inclusiveness among faculty within academic departments. The inter-campus study provided the foundation for an assessment tool and toolkit to facilitate an inclusive working environment in university departments.

Professor Bardi currently chairs the steering committee for the Indigenous Engagement Initiative, which is housed within the University's Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Center

Courses offered
101 Principles of Psychology
202 Clinical Psychology
251 Research Methods and Data Analysis (lab)
280 Psychology of Human Diversity
380 Latinx Psychology
408 Seminar in Abnormal Behavior (not offered 2015-16)

Woods Lab 303A / ext. 1151