Nuts and Bolts
Express a desire to check out a bike by sending a form to Sustain Sewanee which collects limited personal information such as email, name and height.
Folks must then make an appointment and stop by Sara McIntyre’s office with their bike helmet and bike lock. At that meeting Sara will cover basic skills and assign them a bike.
Both hybrid style (commuter) bikes and mountain bikes are available through the bike lending library. Each bike is different and unique so you can try different brands and styles over time. It also means each borrowing experience may be different.
ALL bikes are due back on Reading Day at the end of semester. Cyclists who wish for an extension must bring their bike to Sara’s office so she can lay eyes on it before extend their lending time.
The person borrowing the bike is responsible for care and maintenance of the bike while it is checked out to them. This includes fixing flats and tuneups. Basic bicycle maintenance support is offered through the SOP (Outing Program) via their student bike shop.
All bikes receive a routine maintenance check and repairs by Woody’s Bicycles prior to being lent out each semester. Sustain Sewanee coordinates this maintenance.
There is a fine structure for bikes returned late ($5/day for up to 8 days), bikes returned damaged, or bikes not returned and assumed lost.