Certain Sewanee employees, called Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), have a duty to report certain incidents of misconduct to comply with the Clery Act. The function of a CSA is to report allegations of Clery Act crimes. This includes reports of child abuse/neglect. Institutions of higher education must include four distinct categories of crime in their Annual Security Report (ASR) crime data.
Criminal Offenses
- Criminal homicide: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, manslaughter by negligence
- Sexual assault: rape, fondling, incest, statutory rape
- Robbery
- Aggravated assault
- Burglary
- Motor vehicle theft
- Arson
Hate Crimes
any of the above mentioned offenses, and any incidents of:
- Larceny-theft
- Simple assault
- Intimidation
- Destruction/damage/vandalism of property
VAWA Offenses
- Domestic violence
- Dating violence
- Stalking
Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action
- Weapons law violations
- Drug abuse violations
- Liquor law violations
If an employee is a mandated reporter under Title IX, they may also be considered a CSA under the Clery Act. Employees who are CSAs include:
- Sewanee police and campus security officers;
- Deans of Students and Student Life staff;
- the Title IX coordinator and personnel
- Residential life staff (including Proctors);
- Coaches and other designated staff within the Department of Athletics;
- Global Education Staff; and
- anyone else with significant responsibility for advising student and campus activities.
These employees are not required to report personally identifiable information for Clery Act purposes, but statistical information must be sent regarding the type of incident that occurred and its general location (e.g., on or off-campus) for publication in an annual report of crime statistics, called the Annual Security Report. Statistics published in the Annual Security Report help to provide the campus community with a clearer picture of the extent and nature of campus crime, but the statistics do not personally identify complainants or respondents.
Reports by Campus Security Authorities are not official police reports and do not initiate criminal investigations.
When Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and/or Stalking are reported under the Clery Act, Sewanee must issue timely warnings for such incidents that pose a serious or continuing threat of bodily harm or danger to members of the campus community.
Sewanee will not disclose a complainant’s name and other identifying information in a timely warning but will provide sufficient information for Sewanee community members to make informed safety decisions in response to potential danger.