Project Development Expectations

All project requests must be accompanied by an online request form. We will reply to your request within one business day to confirm receipt, request additional information, and/or schedule a project kickoff meeting.

Project scheduling is critical. Each project is different and timelines can vary greatly depending on office workload, project complexity, and the approval process. Use these rules of thumb to help planning:

  • Allow up to three business days for proofing and graphic identity assessment
  • Allow at least two weeks for message development and copywriting
  • Allow at least two weeks for original graphic design
  • Allow at least two weeks for print production
  • Allow at least one week for an office or department website to be activated
  • Custom website development timelines to be determined after consultation

These timeframes assume all project materials are available at the start of the project. Including high res photography, copy, event dates/times/venue, etc. 

Project Priority

To best meet the University’s many and varied communications needs, the office will assign project priority using the scale below. This scale was developed to ensure that the office’s limited resources are concentrated on projects that have the potential to deliver the greatest benefit to the University.

Level 1: Admission and Advancement support

Projects that directly support regular student recruitment and University fundraising efforts are given first priority. Level 1 priority is also given to the development and production of University publications.

Level 2: Strategic University initiatives

Communications and materials promoting strategic University initiatives are given second priority. These projects include departments and programs that support Sewanee’s distinctive message to prospective students or donors, and certain University-wide events.

Level 3: Narrowly focused projects

“Narrow” can describe either the program, the audience, the potential impact, or any combination of the three. Level 3 is in place to help promote important initiatives that do not meet the conditions of Levels 1 or 2.

Level 4: All other communications requests

Request for projects that do not fit into the first three levels will be scheduled and completed as possible. If project schedule requires, the office can help coordinate with an approved partner for certain services. Or, if you have partner, the office will work with them to make sure they have the guidelines they need to work with the University.

Writing Style Guide & Graphic Identity Standards

The office is charged with ensuring that Sewanee’s graphic identity and writing style are used consistently and that the materials and messages directed to our external audiences represent the University’s quality standards. All projects developed in conjunction with the office will be required to meet both the writing and graphic standards. Additionally, projects intended for an external audience or for official University use, but developed without our involvement, still require office review. Please allow up to three business days for proofing and graphic assessment.