University Identity Standards
The University's Identity Standards Manual is intended to ensure consistency among University publications and other materials. Through your consistent use of these standards, you can help ensure the success of the identity program. If you have questions please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at ext. 1286.
Download the University Identity Standards Manual
UNIVERSITY Visual Identity
The University Logomark

The University logomark is the keystone of our visual identity and is used on most official communications materials.
The only acceptable logomark for the web or digital use is pictured above and linked here. It may not be reconstructed or altered in any way. It must be reproduced from reproduction-quality art or from high resolution digital files available for download or from the Office of Marketing and Communications at 931.598.1286.
If you need a logomark for print use the files in the zip file linked below.
Download high resolution logomark files for print
The University Shield S
The University Shield S provides a distinctive visual shorthand for a variety of graphic applications. It is not a substitute for the logomark on official University publications or materials.
The only acceptable Shield S is pictured above. A modified version of the Shield S is part of the new Sewanee Inn identity. To review appropriate applications for the Shield S, please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at 931.598.1286.
Athletic Visual Identity
In 2016, a new Sewanee Tiger graphic joined the already established gothic-style Tiger S as a secondary mark in the Sewanee athletics identity package.
The only acceptable Tiger S and Sewanee Tiger are pictured above. To review appropriate applications for these marks, please contact the Office of Marketing and Communications at 931.598.1286.
Download the Athletics Visual Identity Guidelines
University Colors
The University colors are Purple and Gold. The following formulas will reproduce consistent colors in most applications.
PANTONE 268 (blue-purple)
- CMYK conversion:
Coated paper: c82/m98/y0/k12
Uncoated paper: c58/m78/y0/k0 - RGB conversion:
r88/g44/b131 - HTML (hexadecimal): 582C83
PANTONE: 1235 (yellow-gold)
- CMYK conversion:
Coated paper: c0/m31/y98/k0
Uncoated paper: c0/m26/y89/k0 - RGB conversion:
r255/g184/b28 - HTML (hexadecimal): FFB81C
University Fonts
Primary Sewanee Font
The primary font for Sewanee printed applications is Mrs Eaves. This is the font that is used in the Sewanee logomark. If the primary serif font is not available, Times may be substituted except in printed material for external audiences.
Supplemental fonts
Franklin Gothic was chosen as a secondary sans serif font to complement the primary font and to allow for creative flexibility and enhanced readability.
Franklin Gothic Book is recommended for applications such as the body of letters and news releases, addressing envelopes, and other nonpublication uses. If Franklin Gothic Book is not available, Arial may be substituted except in printed material for external audiences.
Athletics Visual Identity Standards
The University of the South—familiarly known as Sewanee—fields 23 varsity teams and is a member of the NCAA Division III Southern Athletic Association (SAA).
Sewanee introduces a new Sewanee Tiger as our secondary mark, joining the already established primary mark—the Tiger S. In addition, the guide outlines new color and font standards. By following the guidelines, the athletic department and its partners can apply the visual elements properly to achieve a powerfully consistent effect.
It is imperative to always use these guidelines when designing any materials for Sewanee athletics. They will not constrain creativity, but ensure the full and beneficial impact of the athletics visual.