The community at Sewanee is one of our strongest assets. We share a commitment to fostering a caring, safe, and educational environment for our students and to creating a campus climate that supports healthy relationships. Being a member of a team, group, or organization is one of the most impactful experiences for learning and growth available to our students. All students must be able to participate in this aspect of campus life and expect to be treated with respect and dignity.

Hazing is abusive behavior that interferes with community members' ability to thrive as leaders and learners. Traditions, rituals, and initiations that involve alcohol consumption, verbal abuse, sleep deprivation, or humiliating or degrading activities are harmful, dangerous, and violate University policy. Such behaviors are detrimental and unnecessary to creating community, trust, and a sense of belonging. Hazing has no place in our community. 

Sewanee's hazing prevention model is grounded in a public health approach encompassing prevention at multiple levels. We all have a responsibility to help stop hazing by being informed and committing to hazing prevention. Read on for more information about how to identify and report hazing, learn more about our campus-wide approach to prevention, and how to help stop hazing at Sewanee.

Report Hazing

Concerned parent or family member? Friend suffering in secrecy? Something doesn't seem right?  Trust your instincts. Help stop hazing. Make a report.

Our Philosophy Statement

The University upholds this philosophy related to hazing.


Our approach to hazing prevention is comprehensive and campus-wide. We aim to provide safe and inclusive learning environments through this work, where student safety is the primary focus.


Hazing practices thrive in secrecy and are often guarded secrets within organizations. In the spirit of transparency, we are committed to sharing our community's history of hazing beginning in spring 2022.

Information for Families

We are committed to providing education and support to families at Sewanee. Trust your instincts and submit a report online if something doesn't seem right. It's not about getting students or their friends in trouble. It's about keeping students safe.


As a community, we should never tolerate the absence of dignity and respect for a student seeking to belong. These resources represent our ongoing effort to create positive change through awareness, education, and easy reporting options

National Hazing Statistics

Alcohol consumption, humiliation, isolation, sleep-deprivation, and sex acts are hazing practices common across student groups.


Allan, E.J. & Madden. M. (2008) Hazing in view: College students at risk, initial findings from the national study of student hazing. 

"Hazing isn't simply about the activity… it’s also about the process—the ways in which power and control are exercised among group members and how new members or rookies are made to feel about their place in the group.” (E. Allan, 2004)

Types of hazing
  • Forced/coerced alcohol consumption

  • Power imbalance between new members and the rest of the group

  • Beating/paddling or other forms of assault

  • Burning/branding

  • Verbal abuse

  • Personal servitude

  • Social isolation

  • Threats/intimidation

  • Embarrassing activities

  • Sleep deprivation

  • Exposure to extreme temperatures without appropriate protection

  • Pointless tasks