Homecoming and Reunions 2024—All-alumni PRELIMINARY Schedule

PRELIMINARY Homecoming and Reunions 2024— All-alumni Schedule 

The registration desk at McGriff Alumni House on Georgia Avenue will be open Thursday, 1–6 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m.–6 p.m.; and Saturday, 8 a.m.–noon 

Homecoming events are open to all registered guests. Individual class reunion events are listed after the weekend schedule. 

PARKING: Vehicles parked on University Avenue at any time will be cited for violation of the Tennessee state code prohibiting parking in a bike lane. Visitor parking is available in the lot behind Fulford Hall, along Georgia Avenue, and behind duPont Library. Please scan this QR code to access the online parking map. 

Nov. 1–3, 2024 

Homecoming and Reunions 2024—
All-alumni LAST YEAR'S Schedule so you can get an idea.

We'll have 2024 schedule soon.

The registration desk at McGriff Alumni House on Georgia Avenue will be open Thursday, 1–6 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m.–6 p.m.; and Saturday, 8 a.m.–noon

Homecoming events are open to all registered guests. Individual class reunion events are listed after the weekend schedule.

Parking: Vehicles parked on University Avenue at any time will be cited for violation of the Tennessee state code prohibiting parking in a bike lane. Visitor parking is available in the lot behind Fulford Hall, along Georgia Avenue, and behind duPont Library. Please scan this QR code to access the online parking map.

Thursday, Oct. 31

8 a.m. Rotary breakfast meeting at St. Mary’s Retreat Center. For all alumni Rotarians—join the local club for its regular meeting. 

8:30 a.m. Morning prayer at St. Augustine’s Chapel, inside All Saints’ Chapel.

9 a.m.–4 p.m. Are you in the midst of the college search for one of your students? Do you need some assistance navigating the financial aid process (at Sewanee or FAFSA in general)? The Office of Financial Aid is available to answer your questions. Appointments are not necessary; simply stop by Fulford Hall, second floor.

9:15 a.m. Information session and campus tour for prospective high school students and families. As a Sewanee alumnus or alumna, you know a great deal about the University, but if you have college-bound children attending Homecoming with you, plan to attend one of the information sessions and campus tours sponsored by the Office of Admission. Registration required, new.sewanee.edu/admission-aid/visit.

10 a.m.–5 p.m. Exhibition. Ming Ying Hong, The One With The ... Amalgamations. University Art Gallery.

1–5 p.m. Exhibit. Sewanee’s Historic Downtown.The Museum Gallery of University Archives and Special Collections. University Archives, next to duPont Library.

1–6 p.m. Hospitality center at McGriff Alumni House. Hang out between events or just drop in to relax during the day. We’ll have refreshments, restroom facilities, and a great atmosphere to make you feel right at home.

1–6 p.m. Registration at McGriff Alumni House on Georgia Avenue. Make this your first stop on the Domain for Homecoming and Reunion weekend. Pick up your registration packet with your nametag, a schedule of events, list of attendees, maps, and Homecoming and Reunion gift!

1:15 p.m. Information session and campus tour for prospective high school students and families. As a Sewanee alumnus or alumna, you know a great deal about the University, but if you have college-bound children attending Homecoming with you, plan to attend one of the information sessions and campus tours sponsored by the Office of Admission. Registration required, new.sewanee.edu/admission-aid/visit.

4 p.m. Evening prayer at St. Augustine’s Chapel, inside All Saints’ Chapel

6 p.m. Volleyball vs. Covenant. Senior night. Juhan Gymnasium.

6–9 p.m. Class of 1994 reunion kick-off party. Location TBD.

6:30–9 p.m. Class of 1974 reunion kick-off party. Location TBD.

7–9 p.m. Class of 1979 reunion kick-off party. Location TBD.

7:30–9 p.m. Joshua Espinoza Trio will be performing at Guerry Auditorium, as part of the Sewanee Performing Arts Series.

Friday, Nov. 1

8 a.m. Campus bike ride. Enjoy an autumn cycling tour around the campus. See campus highlights, views, and new developments led by David Voorhees, C’73. Call or text 828.290.3931 to RSVP. Bring your own bike or conveniently rent one (email services@woodysbicycles.com to make a reservation). Meet at Woody’s Bicycles, 90 Reed’s Lane (behind Shenanigans).

8 a.m.–6 p.m. Registration at McGriff Alumni House on Georgia Avenue. Make this your first stop on the Domain for Homecoming and Reunion weekend. Pick up your registration packet with your nametag, a schedule of events, list of attendees, maps, and Homecoming and Reunion gift!

Gown library collection. The Order of the Gown has started a “gown library” for members who cannot afford the gowns sold at the bookstore. The OG is also looking for alumni willing to hand down their gowns and pass on one of Sewanee’s best traditions! If you want to put your old gown to good use, please donate it to the gown library. Feel free to include a note with your contact information or sharing what your gown means to you, so that the student who receives it will be able to thank you directly. Donation drop will be at the Homecoming registration desk all weekend in McGriff Alumni House.

8 a.m.–6 p.m. Hospitality center at McGriff Alumni House. Hang out between events or just drop in to relax during the day. We’ll have refreshments, restroom facilities, and a great atmosphere to make you feel right at home.

9–10 a.m. Gamma reunion registration. McGriff Alumni House.

9:15–10:30 a.m. Information session and campus tour for prospective high school students and families. As a Sewanee alumnus or alumna, you know a great deal about the University, but if you have college-bound children attending Homecoming with you, plan to attend one of the information sessions and campus tours sponsored by the Office of Admission. Registration required, new.sewanee.edu/admission-aid/visit.

9 a.m.–noon Exhibition. The Museum Gallery of University Archives and Special Collections Exhibition Sewanee’s Historic Downtown. University Archives, next to duPont Library.

9 a.m.–noon Ralston Listening Room open house. Come listen to your favorite songs or let the curators surprise you. Enjoy the world’s finest audio components surrounded by thousands of LPs and CDs from the personal collections of Father William Ralston and Dr. Charles Harrison. Second floor, duPont Library.

9 a.m.–4 p.m. Are you in the midst of the college search for one of your students? Do you need some assistance navigating the financial aid process (at Sewanee or FAFSA in general)? The Office of Financial Aid is available to answer your questions. Appointments are not necessary, simply stop by Fulford Hall, second floor.

10 a.m. Celebrate 100 years of forestry at Sewanee by attending a seminar featuring Sewanee student research in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. Snowden 215.

10–10:45 a.m. Gamma reunion panel: Men’s Health. Panelists John Beasley, C’01; Ronald Allen, C’03; Thaddaeus Jackson, C’06, will delve into the mental, physical, and spiritual importance of health and well-being. Facilitated by Hieu “Michael” Phan, C’25. Naylor Auditorium, Gailor Hall.

10 a.m.–5 p.m. Exhibition. University Art Gallery. Ming Ying Hong The One With The ... Amalgamations

11:15 a.m. Abbo’s Alley hike, led by Louis Rice, C’73, superintendent of Abbo’s Alley. Meet at the ticket booth by the football field for the tour.

11 a.m. University Cemetery tour led by Dr. Jerry Smith, professor emeritus of religion. Meet at Stirling’s to begin the tour.

11–11:45 a.m. Gamma reunion panel: Professional Development. Panelists Justin Askew, C’04; Michael Stanley, C’01; and LaRaun Cole, C’02, will discuss managing finances, and building relationships/network. Facilitated by Fernadno Totti, C’24. Naylor Auditorium, Gailor Hall.

11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Luncheon honoring and celebrating the Never Failing Succession of Benefactors, Order of the Purple, and Charlotte Manigault Society. Sewanee Inn.

noon–12:30 p.m. Booksigning by Patrick Dean, T’06. Dean will sign A Window to Heaven and Nature’s Messenger. University Book and Supply Store.

noon–12:45 p.m. Gamma reunion panel: Personal Relationships. Facilitated by Alan Espinoza, C’24. Panelists Niko Darby, C’18; Towaski Hunt, C’02; and Billy Lewis, C’01, will discuss topics related to dating and marriage. Naylor Auditorium, Gailor Hall.

12:30–1 p.m. Talk and booksigning by Will Grant, C’ 02. Grant will sign his new book Last Ride of the Pony Express: My 2000-mile Horseback Journey Into the Old West. Snowden 215.

Al1 p.m. Talk. “Opening Doors to Global Business” by Myles Elledge, C’85, director of the Babson Center for Global Commerce. Learn how we prepare our students to be the next generation of leaders in business. Naylor Auditorium, Gailor Hall.

1–2 p.m. Gamma reunion lunch. McClurg Dining Hall balcony.

1–2:30 p.m. Alumni hike on the Caldwell Rim Trail along the upper reaches of Lost Cove. Meet at the trailhead at the end of Bob Stewman Road. (Turn left on Lake O’Donnell Road, turn right on Bob Stewman Road, and go to the end for parking). Guided by favorite professors, including Bran Potter and Tom Powell, C’96.

1–2:30 p.m. Aviation homecoming reception at the home of Catherine Cavagnaro. 482 Wiggins Creek Dr.

1–3 p.m. Office of Global Citizenship open house. Did you study abroad? Were you an international student? Do you currently live and work abroad? Do you consider yourself a global citizen? Did you join a service trip abroad or domestically? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this reception is for you! The Office of Global Citizenship staff, current international students, and study-away returnees would be excited to hear your stories! We also hope this might be a great networking opportunity for some of our current students to learn more about the world that awaits them beyond the gates!
43 South Carolina Ave., Torian-Watson House 

1–5 p.m. Ralston Listening Room open house. Come listen to your favorite songs or let the curators surprise you. Enjoy the world’s finest audio components surrounded by thousands of LPs and CDs from the personal collections of Father William Ralston and Dr. Charles Harrison. Second floor, duPont Library.

1–5 p.m. Exhibit. Sewanee’s Historic Downtown. The Museum Gallery of University Archives and Special Collections. University Archives, next to duPont Library.

1:15–3 p.m. Information session and campus tour for prospective high school students and families. As a Sewanee alumnus or alumna, you know a great deal about the University, but if you have college-bound children attending Homecoming with you, plan to attend one of the information sessions and campus tours sponsored by the Office of Admission. Registration required, new.sewanee.edu/admission-aid/visit.

1:30 p.m. Heritage Trail tour, hosted by the Roberson Project. The trail memorializes spaces and places significant to the St. Mark’s community, the historically Black community of Sewanee. Meet at Stirling’s for this walking tour.

2 p.m. Estate Planning Tips seminar, Torian Room, duPont Library

2–5 p.m. Sewanee yearbook surplus giveaway. Lost your yearbook? Grab a replacement from the yearbook surplus rack. duPont Library.

3 p.m. Talk. “Connecting Sewanee and her neighbors.” Hear about the Mountain Goat Trail project and the recent research completed on the Sewanee Village history. Patrick Dean, L’19, with the Mountain Goat Trail Alliance and historian Meg Beasley, C’73, will share the exciting news. Naylor Auditorium, Gailor Hall.

3 p.m. Open house at the new home for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Come by the former EQB Building (behind the Wellness Commons, formerly University bookstore) and enjoy hospitality and meet and greet with the Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion leaders and staff and celebrate community togetherness. 

3 p.m. Student supply closet ribbon cutting. Sponsored by the Office of Civic Engagement. The supply closet allows all undergraduate and seminarian students access to free school supplies, laundry supplies, hygiene products, non-perishable food items, and more. Join us for our ribbon cutting to commemorate the opening of the space. Cleveland Annex 008 (next to Carnegie Hall on the Quad).

3 p.m. Sixth annual frisbee golf tournament. Meet at the 19th hole, McGriff Alumni House, to play the Manigault Park course. Tournament celebration to follow.

3–4:30 p.m. Barber Shop Talks. Gamma House. Gammas only.

3–4:30 p.m. Reception for Math and Computer Science alumni at the home of Professor Catherine Cavagnaro. 482 Wiggins Creek Dr.

3–5 p.m. The Webb Greenhouse will be open for viewing the plant collection. Jonathan Ertelt, C’78, will be on hand to answer questions and point out some of the more interesting species and cultivars. Attached to Woods Labs.
3:30–5:30 p.m. Wine and cheese reception for Snowden alumni, family, and friends hosted by the Department of Earth and Environmental Systems. Join us as we celebrate 100 years of Snowden-based programs! Snowden Hall atrium.
4 p.m. Cartoon Day. “American Animation Goes to the Opera,” with Dr. Greg Clark, professor emeritus of art history. Due to popular demand, he is bringing back this class tradition he offered his students during party weekend. Naylor Auditorium, Gailor Hall.

4 p.m. Evening prayer at St. Augustine’s Chapel, inside All Saints’ Chapel.

4:30–6 p.m. Friends of the Babson Center for Global Commerce Open House. All are invited to come by and learn more about our activities and programs. Main Quadrangle.

5 p.m. Dedication of the Centennial House. Kirby-Smith Road (across from the football field).

5:30 p.m. Welcome home all-alumni reception. Come see friends and professors at this gathering that kicks off the weekend. Alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Hosted by the Alumni Executive Board.

5-6:30 p.m. Theta Pi Alumni Reception at the Bates House 129 Mississippi Avenue.
6 p.m. Red Ribbon Society homecoming celebration.
Red Ribbon members only. At the home of Joe DeLozier, C’77, 147 Louisiana Ave.
7–8:30 p.m. Gamma/PST networking event. Ayres Multicultural Center.
7-10 p.m Kappa Sigma reunion dinner at the William R. Laurie Archives and Special Collections (Kappa Sigma house).
7–10 p.m. Class reunion parties.
See the full individual class schedules below the main schedule for more information.

Exornati (over 50th reunion)
Class of 1974, Chen Hall
Class of 1979, Location TBD
Class of 1984, Sewanee Inn
Class of 1989, Convocation Hall
Class of 1994, Location TBD
Class of 1999, Location TBD
Class of 2004, Social Lodge
Class of 2009, Shenanigans
Class of 2014, Spencer Hall atrium

9:30 p.m. Gamma House gathering. Informal hangout. The Gamma House. 

Saturday, Nov. 2

8 a.m. Fun run for alumni beginning at McGriff Alumni House. Start the day with a 5K to the Cross and back. Sponsored by the YSR Athletic Booster Club.

8 a.m. Yoga at the Fowler Center bouldering wall gym, led by Martee Hewitt, C’73. Green’s View. What a great way to start the day!

8–10 a.m. Breakfast, McClurg Dining Hall. Join fellow alumni for a drop-in breakfast. Your nametag serves as your ticket. Enjoy breakfast as the students do!

8 a.m.–noon Registration at McGriff Alumni House on Georgia Avenue. Make this your first stop on the Domain for Homecoming. Pick up your registration packet with your nametag, a schedule of events, list of attendees, maps, and Homecoming gift! Pick-up for pre-registered alumni will be self-serve in the afternoon.

8 a.m.–9 p.m. Hospitality center at McGriff Alumni House. Hang out between events or just drop in to relax during the day. We’ll have refreshments, restroom facilities, and a great atmosphere to make you feel right at home.

8:30 a.m. Appreciation breakfast for Sewanee Fund class volunteers. Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen will thank alumni volunteers for their hard work. Volunteer photo at 9:15 a.m. Thank you gift for all attendees. Clement Chen Hall, vice-chancellor’s residence. 607 University Ave.

9–noon Ralston Listening Room open house. Come listen to your favorite songs or let the curators surprise you. Enjoy the world’s finest audio components surrounded by thousands of LPs and CDs from the personal collections of Father William Ralston and Dr. Charles Harrison. Second floor, duPont Library.

9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen. Meet this year’s award winners.

9:30–11 a.m. Coach Max celebration. Alumni swimmers and divers are invited to honor Coach Max Obermiller’s 29 years of contributions to Sewanee’s swimming and diving program. Lake Cheston Pavilion.

Class of 1974 photo immediately following the all-alumni celebration. Nave altar, All Saints’ Chapel.

10 a.m. Alumni softball game. Join other former members of the Sewanee softball team for a fun game and help celebrate 25 years of softball at Sewanee. Tiger softball field, Old Farm Road.

10:30 a.m. Tree dedication in memory of Greg Perrone, C’83, SAE fraternity house.

10:30 a.m. Sigma Nu Alumni Chapter annual meeting at the Sigma Nu House.

10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

11 a.m. Carillon concert, by carillonneur Ray Gotko, Shapard Tower.

11 a.m.–1 p.m. Delta Tau Delta alumni/active luncheon and opening house at the Delt House, 1082 University Ave. Family and friends are welcome

11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity. Hardee-McGee Field.

noon–2 p.m. Benjamin Network tailgate party for Black alumni. Centennial House. 

noon–4 p.m. Exhibit. Sewanee’s Historic Downtown. The Museum Gallery of University Archives and Special Collections. University Archives, next to duPont Library.

1:30 p.m. The concession stand at the football field is run by Housing Sewanee Inc.—Sewanee’s version of Habitat for Humanity. Proceeds go directly to purchase building materials for client homes. Please stop by during Homecoming to buy a delicious hot dog and drink.

3 p.m. Portrait unveiling and dedication to honor retired Professor of English Pamela Macfie. Convocation Hall.

3 p.m. Carillon tours and open house, Shapard Tower. Get a bird’s-eye view of the Sewanee campus while getting a behind-the-scenes look at the carillon. Please meet inside All Saints’ Chapel at the iron gate in the front of the nave.

3 p.m. Class of 2018 5th class reunion party. At the Sewanee home of A.B. Williford, 194 Texas Ave.

3 p.m. Tree dedication in memory of Jamey Hollingsworth, C’93. Learn more about the Hollingsworth Fund, which raises awareness for colorectal cancer. 40 is the new 50. Across from Snowden Hall/behind Spencer Hall.

3–5 p.m. The Webb Greenhouse will be open for viewing the plant collection. Jonathan Ertelt, C’78, will be on hand to answer questions and point out some of the more interesting species and cultivars. Attached to Woods Labs.

4 p.m. Open house in Breslin Tower, with the Sewanee Guild of Change Ringers, Tower Captain John Solomon, C’70, and students. Please go up the Breslin Tower stairs to the bell-ringing room.

4:30 p.m. Special showing of Unrivaled: Sewanee 1899. The remarkable story about the famous 1899 Sewanee undefeated football season. The Emmy-nominated and award-winning film was produced by Norman Jetmundsen, C’76, and David Crews, C’76. Guerry Auditorium.

4:30 p.m. Giving Society Reception. Clement Chen Hall, 607 University Ave. By invitation only.

5:30 p.m.- 9 p.m. C'64 and C'69 Exornati join Kappa Sigma alumni for a reception and dinner. William R. Laurie Archives and Special Collections. (Kappa Sigma house).

6 p.m. Class of 1974 reunion banquet. Sewanee Inn

6 p.m. Benjamin Network party for Black alumni. This event, sponsored by the Benjamin Network (in honor of Eric Benjamin, C’73), replicates the popular annual event that used to be held each year at Mr. B’s home. Come join fellow Black alumni for some good food, fun, and fellowship hosted by the office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Multicultural Center.

8–11 p.m. All-alumni dance with live music by Entice at the alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event! Bring your ID if you look under 21.

9 p.m. Gamma reunion afterparty. Dancing and music. The Gamma House.

  Don’t forget to “fall back” by setting your clocks back one hour.

Sunday, Nov. 3

8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

noon–4 p.m. Exhibition. Ming Ying Hong, The One With The ... Amalgamations. University Art Gallery. 

1:30 p.m. Carillon tours and open house, Shapard Tower. Get a bird’s-eye view of the Sewanee campus while getting a behind-the-scenes look at the carillon. Please meet inside All Saints’ Chapel at the iron gate in the front of the nave.

5 p.m. Catholic mass at the Chapel of the Apostles with dinner following the service. 355 Tennessee Ave.

6:30 p.m. Growing in Grace. All Saints’ contemporary worship service with an informal Eucharist in All Saints’ Chapel. 

Reunion Events


Friday, 5:30 p.m. Exornati reception and dinner. Centennial House.

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 p.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 6 p.m. Exornati joins the 50th reunion party for dinner. Sewanee Inn.

Saturday, 8–11 p.m. All-alumni dance with live music by Entice at the alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event!

Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service.

Class of 1969—55th Reunion

Friday, 5 p.m. Dedication of the Centennial House. Come celebrate the exquisite new event and office space made possible by the class of 1968. Followed by cocktails. Kirby-Smith Road. Class of 1967 welcome.

Friday, 6 p.m. Reunion class party within Centennial House.

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 6 p.m. Exornati and C’69 join the 50th reunion party for dinner. Sewanee Inn.

Saturday, 8–11 p.m. All-alumni dance with live music by Entice at the alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event!

Sunday, 8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Class of 1974—50th Reunion

Thursday, 6:30–9 p.m. Class of 1973 reunion kick-off party. Location TBD

Friday, 8 a.m. Campus bike ride. Enjoy an autumn cycling tour around the campus. See campus highlights, views, and new developments led by David Voorhees, C’73. Call or text 828.290.3931 to RSVP. Bring your own bike or conveniently rent one (email services@woodysbicycles.com to make a reservation). Meet at Woody’s Bicycles, 90 Reed’s Lane (behind Shenanigans).

Friday 9:30 a.m. 50th reunion campus van tour. Meet at the McGriff Alumni House.

Friday, 11:15 a.m. Abbo’s Alley tour led by superintendent, Louis Rice, C’73. Meet at the ticket booth by the Abbo’s Alley entrance near the football field.

Friday, noon First Women of Sewanee project with members from the Class of 1974. Spencer Hall, Room 264.

Friday, 3 p.m. Talk. “Connecting Sewanee and her neighbors.” Hear about the Mountain Goat Trail project and the recent research completed on the Sewanee Village history. Patrick Dean, L’19, with the Mountain Goat Trail Alliance and historian Meg Beasley, C’73 will share the exciting news. Naylor Auditorium, Gailor Hall.

Friday, 5:30 p.m. Welcome home all-alumni reception. Come see friends and professors at this gathering that kicks off the weekend. Alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House.

Friday, 7 p.m. Class of 1974 reunion party. Clement Chen Hall, 607 University Ave.

Saturday, 9:25 a.m. Meet on the Quad to form 50th reunion walk into All Saints’ Chapel.

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen. Celebrate with Alumni Association Award winners.

Saturday, Class of 1974 photo immediately following the all-alumni celebration. Nave Altar, All Saints’ Chapel.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 p.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 6 p.m. Class of 1974 reunion banquet. Sewanee Inn.

Sunday, 8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 9 a.m. 50th class reunion farewell breakfast. McClurg Dining Hall balcony.

Sunday, 11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Class of 1979—45th Reunion

Thursday, 7 p.m. Reunion kickoff party. Location TBD.

Friday, 5:30 p.m. Welcome home all-alumni reception. Come see friends and professors at this gathering that kicks off the weekend. Alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House.

Friday, 7–10 p.m. Class of 1979 reunion party. Location TBD.

Saturday, 8–10 a.m. Breakfast, McClurg Dining Hall. Join fellow alumni for breakfast. Your nametag serves as your ticket. Enjoy breakfast as the students do!

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 8–11 p.m. All-alumni dance with live music by Entice at the alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event!

Sunday, 8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Class of 1984—40th Reunion

Friday, 5:30 p.m. Welcome home all-alumni reception. Come see friends and professors at this gathering that kicks off the weekend. Alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House.

Friday, 7–10 p.m. Class of 1984 reunion party. Sewanee Inn.

Saturday, 8–10 a.m. Breakfast, McClurg Dining Hall. Join fellow alumni for breakfast. Your nametag serves as your ticket. Enjoy breakfast as the students do!

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen, C’76

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Tree dedication in memory of Greg Perrone, C’83, SAE fraternity house.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 8–11 p.m. All-alumni dance with live music by Entice at the alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event!

Sunday, 8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Class Farewell Breakfast at Clement Chen Hall, home of the Vice-Chancellor, Rob Pearigen, C’76. 607 University Ave.

Sunday, 11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Class of 1989—35th Reunion

Friday, 5:30 p.m. Welcome home all-alumni reception. Come see friends and professors at this gathering that kicks off the weekend. Alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House.

Friday, 7–10 p.m. Class of 1989 reunion party. Convocation Hall.

Saturday, 8–9:30 a.m. Breakfast, McClurg Dining Hall. Join fellow alumni for breakfast. Your nametag serves as your ticket. Enjoy breakfast as the students do!

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen, C’76.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

8–11 p.m. All-alumni dance with live music by Entice at the alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event!

Sunday, 8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Class of 1994—30th Reunion

Thursday, 6–9 p.m. Class of 1994 reunion kick-off party. Location TBD.

Friday, 4 p.m. Cartoon Day. “American Animation Goes to the Opera,” with Dr. Greg Clark, professor emeritus of Art History. Due to popular demand, he is bringing back this class tradition he offered his students during party weekend. Naylor Auditorium, Gailor Hall.

Friday, 5:30 p.m. Welcome home all-alumni reception. Come see friends and professors at this gathering that kicks off the weekend. Alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House.

Friday, 7–10 p.m. Class of 1994 reunion party. Location TBD.

Saturday, 8–10 a.m. Breakfast, McClurg Dining Hall. Join fellow alumni for breakfast. Your nametag serves as your ticket. Enjoy breakfast as the students do!

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen, C’76.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 3 p.m. 3 p.m. Tree dedication in memory of Jamey Hollingsworth, C’93. Learn more about the Hollingsworth Fund, which raises awareness for colorectal cancer. 40 is the new 50. Across from Snowden Hall/behind Spencer Hall.

Saturday, 8–11 p.m. All-alumni dance with live music by Entice at the alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event!

Sunday, 8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Class of 1999—25th Reunion

Friday, 5:30 p.m. Welcome home all-alumni reception. Come see friends and professors at this gathering that kicks off the weekend. Alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House.

Friday, 7–10 p.m. Class of 1999 reunion party. Location TBD.

Saturday, 8–9:30 a.m. Breakfast, McClurg Dining Hall. Join fellow alumni for breakfast. Your nametag serves as your ticket. Enjoy breakfast as the students do!

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen, C’76

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 8–11 p.m. All-alumni dance with live music by Entice at the alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event!

Sunday, 8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Class of 2004—20th Reunion

Friday, 5:30 p.m. Welcome home all-alumni reception. Come see friends and professors at this gathering that kicks off the weekend. Alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House.

Friday, 7–10 p.m. Class of 2004 reunion party. Social Lodge, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 8–10 a.m. Breakfast, McClurg Dining Hall. Join fellow alumni for breakfast. Your nametag serves as your ticket. Enjoy breakfast as the students do!

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen, C’76.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 8–11 p.m. All-alumni party at the McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event with live music by Entice!

Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Class of 2009—15th Reunion

Friday, 5:30 p.m. Welcome home all-alumni reception. Come see friends and professors at this gathering that kicks off the weekend. Alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House.

Friday, 7–10 p.m. Class of 2009 reunion party. Shenanigans.

Saturday, 8–10 a.m. Breakfast, McClurg Dining Hall. Join fellow alumni for breakfast. Your nametag serves as your ticket. Enjoy breakfast as the students do!

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen. Meet this year’s award winners.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 8–11 p.m. All-alumni dance with live music by Entice at the alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event!

Sunday, 8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Class of 2014—10th Reunion

Friday, 5:30 p.m. Welcome home all-alumni reception. Come see friends and professors at this gathering that kicks off the weekend. Alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House.

Friday, 7–10 p.m. Class of 2014 reunion party. Spencer Hall atrium.

Saturday, 8–10 a.m. Breakfast, McClurg Dining Hall. Join fellow alumni for breakfast. Your nametag serves as your ticket. Enjoy breakfast as the students do!

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen, C’76.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 8–11 p.m. All-alumni dance with live music by Entice at the alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event!

Sunday, 8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Class of 2019—5th Reunion

Friday, 5:30 p.m. Welcome home all-alumni reception. Come see friends and professors at this gathering that kicks off the weekend. Alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, 8–10 a.m. Breakfast, McClurg Dining Hall. Join fellow alumni for breakfast. Your nametag serves as your ticket. Enjoy breakfast as the students do!

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel. Join fellow alumni for the presentation of alumni awards and class reunion gifts and to hear remarks from Vice-Chancellor Rob Pearigen, C’76.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 4–6 p.m. 5th reunion party at the Sewanee home of A.B. Williford, C’18 (next to the French House).

Saturday, 8–11 p.m. All-alumni dance with live music by Entice at the alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event!

Sunday, 8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Benjamin Network Reunion

Friday, 5:30 p.m. Welcome home all-alumni reception. Come see friends and professors at this gathering that kicks off the weekend. Alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House.

Friday, 3 p.m. Open House at the new home for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Come by the former EQB Building (behind the Wellness Commons, formerly University bookstore) and enjoy hospitality and meet and greet with the Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion leaders and staff and celebrate community togetherness. 

Saturday, 8–10 a.m. Breakfast, McClurg Dining Hall. Join fellow alumni for breakfast. Your nametag serves as your ticket. Enjoy breakfast as the students do!

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel.

Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Pre-game tailgate party. Come gather before the game for shrimp and grits, brunch food, and live music. Alumni tent, Georgia Avenue.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other alumni from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Benjamin Network tailgate party for Black alumni, Centennial House, across from the football field.

Saturday, noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 6 p.m. Benjamin Network party for Black alumni. This event, sponsored by the Benjamin Network (in honor of Eric Benjamin, C’73), replicates the popular annual event that used to be held each year at Mr. B’s home. Come join fellow Black alumni for some good food, fun, and fellowship at the Multicultural Center. Sponsored by the Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Saturday, 8–11 p.m. All-alumni dance with live music by Entice at the alumni tent next to McGriff Alumni House. Dance the night away at this popular event!

Sunday, 8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Gamma Reunion

Friday, 9–10 a.m. Gamma reunion registration. McGriff Alumni House.

Friday, 10–10:45 a.m. Gamma reunion panel: Men’s Health. Panelists John Beasley, C’01; Ronald Allen, C’03; Thaddaeus Jackson, C’06 will delve into the mental, physical, and spiritual importance of health and well-being. Facilitated by Hieu “Michael” Phan, C’25. Naylor Auditorium, Gailor Hall.

Friday, 11–11:45 a.m. Gamma reunion panel: Professional Development. Panelists Justin Askew, C’04; Michael Stanley, C’01; and LaRaun Cole, C’02, will discuss managing finances, and building relationships/network. Facilitated by Fernadno Totti, C’24. Naylor Auditorium, Gailor Hall.

Friday, noon–12:45 p.m. Gamma reunion panel: Personal Relationships. Facilitated by Alan Espinoza, C’24, panelists Niko Darby, C’18; Towaski Hunt, C’02; and Billy Lewis, C’01, will discuss topics related to dating and marriage. Naylor Auditorium, Gailor Hall.

Friday, 1–2 p.m. Gamma reunion lunch. McClurg Dining Hall balcony.

Friday, 3–4:30 p.m. Barber Shop Talks. Gamma House. Gammas only.

Friday, 7–8:30 p.m. Gamma/PST networking event. Ayres Multicultural Center.

Friday, 9:30 p.m. Gamma House gathering. Informal hangout. The Gamma House. 

Saturday, 9:30 a.m. All-alumni celebration in All Saints’ Chapel.

Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Homecoming parade. Join the walk with other Gammas from the tailgate party to the football field. Line up by reunion class or group (banners provided for you) and join this tradition! Follow the marching band in front of McGriff Alumni House.

Saturday, noon Tailgate party. Food and drinks provided. Centennial House. 

noon Homecoming football game vs. Trinity University. Hardee-McGee Field.

Saturday, 6 p.m. Benjamin Network party for Black alumni. This event, sponsored by the Benjamin Network (in honor of Eric Benjamin, C’73), replicates the popular annual event that used to be held each year at Mr. B’s home. Come join fellow Black alumni for some good food, fun, and fellowship hosted by the Department of of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Multicultural Center.

Saturday, 9 p.m. Gamma afterparty. Dancing and music. The Gamma House.

Sunday, 8 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite I at All Saints’ Chapel.

Sunday, 11 a.m. All Saints Sunday—Holy Eucharist, Rite II at All Saints’ Chapel. The memorial service for alumni will be a part of this service. 

Restaurants and Shops near
the University of the South

Sewanee Restaurants

Blue Chair Bakery (931.598.5434)
Mon.–Fri. 8 a.m.–3 p.m., Sat.–Sun. 8 a.m.–noon

Blue Chair Tavern (931.598.5434)
Mon.–Fri. 3–9 p.m., Sat.–Sun. 11 a.m.–9 p.m.

Green’s View Grill (931.598.5305)
Tues.–Thurs. 11 a.m.–4 p.m., Fri.-Sun. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. 

Cup and Gown (931.598.1212)
Located in duPont Library. Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m–11 p.m., Fri. 9 a.m.–
3 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Closed Saturday.

La Bella Pearl’s (931.463.2200)
Tues., closed, Wed.–Thurs. 5–9 p.m, Fri.–Sat. 5–10 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–
3 p.m. Please call for reservations.

Lunch (lunch.sewanee@gmail.com)
Wed.–Sat, 9 a.m.–4 p.m., lunch 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

McClurg Dining Hall (931.598.1120)
Mon.–Sun. 7 a.m–8 p.m.

Shakerag at the Sewanee Inn (931.598.3568)
Sun.–Thurs. 4–9 p.m., Fri.–Sat. 4–10 p.m. 

Stirling’s Coffee House (931.598.1885)
Thurs.–Sat. 7:30 a.m.–11 p.m., and Sun. 9 a.m.–10 p.m. Check out the porch rockers while you enjoy your coffee.

Tiger Bay Pub (931.598.1140)
Tues.–Sat. 9 p.m.–2 a.m. Sun. 9 a.m.–noon


Monteagle and Tracy City

Depot Café (931.924.2233)
Thurs.–Friday 6:30 a.m.–2 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday.

Dixie Lee Diner (931.924.9292) Thurs.–Sat. 7 a.m.–7 p.m.,
and Sun. 7 a.m.–3 p.m.

Dutch Maid Bakery (931.592.3171)
Café and bakery. Mon.–Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Closed Sunday.

Hank’s Corner Grille (931.592.4499)
Thurs. 4–10 p.m., Fri.–Sat. 1–10 p.m., Sun. noon–8 p.m.

High Point (931.924.4600)
Sun.–Thurs. 5–9 p.m., Fri. & Sat. 5–10 p.m. Reservations recommended.

La Ranchera Mexican Restaurant (931.592.5111)

Mi Casa Mexican Restaurant (931.924.5550)
Thurs. 11 a.m.–9 p.m, Fri.–Sat. 11 a.m.–10:30 p.m., and
Sun. noon–9 p.m., closed Wed.

Monteagle Inn B&B (931.924.3869) Breakfast 8–10 a.m. during the weekend. Reservations preferred. 

Mountain Goat Market (931.924.2727)
Tues.–Sat. 11 a.m.– 6p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday.

Papa Ron’s (931.924.3355) Sun.–Sat. 11 a.m.–9 p.m.

Rosie’s Farmhouse Kitchen (931.592.2530)
Wed.–Thurs. 6:45 a.m.-2 p.m., Fri. 6:45 a.m.–8 p.m., Sat. 7–11 a.m.,
Sun. 7–10:30 a.m. 

The Smokehouse Patio Grill (800.489.2091)
Fri.–Sat. 10 a.m.–10 p.m. and Sun. 10 a.m.–8 p.m.

Also: Hardee’s, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Waffle House, Subway, Sonic, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Shan Chinese Buffet.

Cowan and Winchester

Fiesta Mexican Grill (931.962.9939)
Sun.–Thurs. 11 a.m.–9:30 p.m. and Fri.–Sat. 11 a.m.–10 p.m.

Rafael’s Italian Restaurant (931.962.4997)

Up In Smoke BBQ Café & Gifts (931.212.4506)
Fri.–Sat. 10 a.m.–10 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–5 p.m.. Closed Monday–Thursday.

Shops and Galleries

Locals Art Gallery (931.598.0400) Call for hours or appt.

Taylor’s Mercantile (931.598.5893) Flowers and gifts.

Woody’s Bicycles (931.598.9793)
Mon.–Fri. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–2 p.m.. Closed Sunday.

Frame Gallery (931.463.2300)
Tues.-Fri. 10 a.m.–4:30 p.m. and Sat. 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

CVS Monteagle (931.924.2341) Pharmacy

Hallelujah Pottery (931.924.0141) Hand-thrown pottery. Thurs.–Sat. 11 a.m.–
4 p.m. Closed Sunday–Wednesday.

Mooney’s Market and Emporium (931.924.7400) Fresh and local products. Mon.–Sun. 10 a.m.–6 p.m.

Mountain Outfitters (931.924.4100) Apparel and outdoor gear, Mon.–Sun.
10 a.m.–6 p.m. Email: outfitting@gmail.com.

Oakes & Oliver’s Modern Mercantile (931.954.8680)
Thurs.–Fri. 11 a.m.–5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday.

The Whimsy Willow Boutique (Monteagle)
Tues.–Fri. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Closed Sunday and Monday.

Henry Flury and Sons Market (931.592.5661) Oldest general store in the area, established 1910.

The Marugg Company (931.592.5042) Call for hours or tour appointment. Oldest scythe handle factory in the U.S.A., established 1873.