9:30-9:55 a.m. | Pass through the gates, tap your car ceiling (we can explain), and check in at Convocation Hall. |
10-10:20 a.m. | Hear from Dean of Admission, Alan Ramirez, about just how excited we are to have you on campus. |
10:20-10:50 a.m. | Learn about the first-year experience from the people who were right where you are just 12 months ago. |
10:50 a.m. - noon | Social activities for students: Join current students for coffee and conversation or a lace up your sneakers for a nature walk with the Sewanee Outing Program. Social activities for parents: Grab a cup of coffee with the Admission staff or hear from campus partners in a Q & A panel to learn more about how Sewanee will help your student shape their place in the world. |
12-12:15 p.m. | Closing remarks: Hear from our Vice Chancellor, Rob Pearigen. |
12:15-1 p.m. | Lunch: Enjoy a taste of the Mountain at McClurg Dining Hall. |
1-2 p.m. | Academic fair: Meet professors from each of our programs of study. You just might get a head-start on picking a major that will change your life. |
1-2:45 p.m. | Tour our residence halls to see if your tapestries match your future dorm room. |
Please note The University of the South is located in the Central Time Zone.