Modes of Instruction

Classes are divided into three categories:

  • primarily in-person,
  • a mix between in-person and remote, and
  • fully online.

We think you’ll find that each of these approaches has challenges and advantages, and each allows greater flexibility and possibilities than one might first imagine.

Watch these videos from your favorite professors to see a few examples!
Liesl Allingham

German 203 - Intermediate German
mixture of in-person and online for students studying on campus and online for those studying remotely

Stephanie Batkie

English 401 - Literary Criticism
mixture of in-person and online for students studying on campus and online for those studying remotely

Mila Dragojevic

Political Science 221 - Peace and Diplomacy
online for all students

Doug Drinen

Math 101 - Calculus I
online for all students

David Earnest

Psychology 100 - Introduction to Psychology
online for all students

Andrea Hatcher

Politics Department
mixture of in-person and online for students studying on campus and online for those studying remotely

Mark Hopwood

Philosophy 205 - Freedom, Justice, and Commerce
mixture of in-person and online for students studying on campus and online for those studying remotely

Elise Kikis

Biology 243 - Molecular Methods (Lab)
mixture of in-person and online for students studying on campus and online for those studying remotely

Martin Knoll

Earth & Environmental Systems Department
mixture of in-person and online for students studying on campus and online for those studying remotely

Andrea Mansker

History 271 - The French Revolutionary Era, 1789-1814
online for all students

Deborah McGrath

Biology 306 - Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (Lab)
mixture of in-person and online for students studying on campus and online for those studying remotely

Deon Miles

Chemistry 311 - Instrumental Analysis (Lab)
online for all students

Richard O’Connor

Anthropology 319 - Medical Anthropology
online for all students

Sarah Sherwood

Anthropology 106 - Introductory Physical Anthropology and Archaeology
mixture of in-person and online for students studying on campus and online for those studying remotely

Tao Song

Economics 102 - Intro to Macroeconomics; Economics 304 - Labor Economics; Economics 339 - Economics of Immigration
primarily in-person for students studying on campus and online for those studying remotely

Lily Thompson

Geology 236 - Geology of our Solar System
mixture of in-person and online for students studying on campus and online for those studying remotely

Jessica Wohl

Art 299 - Painting from Life
mixture of in-person and online for students studying on campus and online for those studying remotely

Karen Yu

Psychology 208 - Cognitive Psychology
online for all students

Helpful Information