Installation Week Schedule

Wednesday, October 18  
7:30 p.m. Installation Concert by the Sewanee Orchestra
Guerry Auditorium
This event is open to the public
Thursday, October 19  
9:30 a.m.

Thinking Anew: A Conversation on the Interplay of the Liberal Arts, the Church, and Civil Society. 
- Dr. Rob Pearigen, C’76, Vice-Chancellor and President
- Mr. Jon Meacham, C’91, H’10, Pulitzer Prize winning author and political commentator
- The Rt. Rev. Phoebe Roaf, H’20, Bishop of West Tennessee
- Introductions by Pratham Singhal, C’24, Student Trustee
Guerry Auditorium
This event is open to the public.
ZOOM Webinar link.

11 a.m. Delegates and Members of the Board of Trustees and Board of Regents Line Up

Installation of Robert W. Pearigen, Ph.D.
All Saints' Chapel
Seating available for the public in Guerry Auditorium.
Recording available here. 
Service Bulletin

1 p.m. Lunch Celebration on the Quad immediately following the Installation
Friday, October 20  
10 a.m. Coffee and Careers Networking Event
Convocation Hall
This event is for current college students and alumni only
1 p.m. Celebrating Faculty Publications
duPont Library
This event is open to the public
2 p.m. Reception and Book Launch celebrating the career of Brown Patterson, C'52, H'12, Rhodes Scholar and Former Dean of the College and Professor of History in collaboration with Friends of the Library
Convocation Hall
This event is open to the public
ZOOM webinar link
3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Installation Reception for Faculty and Staff
Clement Chen Hall
7 p.m. Installation Street Dance in partnership with Sewanee Business Alliance (SBA)
Angel Park in the Sewanee Village
This event is open to the public
Saturday, October 21  
11:30 a.m. Student Tailgate Picnic
Centennial House and French House lawns
This event is for current college students only
1 p.m. Sewanee Tigers Football vs. Berry College
McGee Field
Sunday, October 22  
8 a.m.
11 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
Holy Eucharist, Rite 1
Holy Eucharist, Rite 2
Growing in Grace
All Saints' Chapel
3:30 p.m. Installation Reception for School of Theology Students 
Clement Chen Hall
Noon Sewanee Tigers Volleyball vs. Millsaps College
Juhan Gymnasium